Chapter 7 - father and son

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Gianna tapped the steering wheel of the car nervously as she waited in the traffic heading with Qian to Gelato's. She had not told Nathan what she was planning she had kept it to herself all day and with him busy in the office until at least 7 pm she knew she could keep it to herself for now. Finally the traffic moved on and she was able to pull into the parking lot of the ice cream parlour. "Mommy what are you doing this is my favourite place!.." Qian said from the back with pure excitement.

"I know baby... but we have to meet someone..."

"Who do we need to meet

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"Who do we need to meet.. daddy!." He asked.

"Wait and see" she said as they got out of the car and headed inside Gelatos. Gianna held Qian's hand and led him to the back of the room where Jamie was seated with his hood up. She walked up to the table and sat herself down. Qian scooted up next to her.

Jamie looked at his son and smiled. "Qian..."

"Mommy it's the man with the car.. from yesterday..." he said pointing at him.

"That's right.." Gianna said. She looked at Jamie and breathed deeply. He knew this was worrisome for her too.

"Order any ice cream that you like... order the biggest thing on the menu.."

"Mommy can I ... can I please!." Qian asked her pleadingly.

Gianna smiled at him. "Of course you can..."

Gianna tried to steady herself. She just watched Jamie as he ordered the ice cream and looked so cool and calm while she was shaking in her boots. But that was Jamie, he didn't care or worry about a thing.

Before long Qian was tucking into his ice cream and chocolate was smudged across his angelic lil face. Jamie clasped his hands in front of him on the table. "Qian there is something that we need to tell you.. yo mama and I..."
Qian looked at him with a smile but an inquisitive face.
"Well... you know Nathan has been yo daddy for all these years..
He nodded.
Jamie paused and looked at Gianna. "Well... I was there when were you were born.... I held you and I loved you.. you see I'm yo daddy Qian..."

Qian looked at his mother confused.

"It's okay baby... you've got 2 daddies... one who created you with me... and one who has been there for you your whole life.." she said and slammed her eyes at Jamie.

"Now listen... I'm yo daddy, you're part of my family, my blood...

"Mommy... is this man my daddy?..."
Gianna nodded.
"But what about daddy?."

"Okay... your daddy Jamie is sitting right here okay.. you were a lil less than a year old when your daddy had to go away for a while...

"You left us?... are you a soldier?..." Qian asked him. "Phoebe's daddy is a soldier and he is always leaving them for a long time...."

"No son... Something happened and I couldn't be around anymore... but I never stopped thinking about you, the whole time I was gone..." Jamie told him.

"And when you were a couple of years older I met Nathan

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"And when you were a couple of years older I met Nathan.. and he wanted to be with me and he wanted to be your daddy...

"Why didn't you wait for daddy?... Phoebe's mommy does!." He said looking cross.

Jamie reached across the table and touched his lil hand. "It was complicated... and I don't blame yo mama at all.. but I'm here now...and I would love to be able to spend time with you..." he said to him with a smile.

Qian looked at little sad. "Baby what is it?." Gianna asked him, seeing his face change and his spoon go down.

He looked at her. "I'm gonna be sick mommy..."

"Oh damn... okay... let's go quick." She said and they rushed to the restroom.

Jamie went with them. He stood by the door. "Is lil man okay in there.."

"Too much ice cream Ja." Gianna said to him. "He always gets sick if he eats too much sweet stuff.."

"Mommy my tummy hurts.." Qian said, hanging over the toilet.

Jamie smiled he walked in. He crouched next to him and rubbed his back. "I used to be the same.. I would throw up anywhere...

"You did?." Qian said feeling sad.

He nodded. "Yeah.. my mama, yo grandma.. she said I was just greedy... she was probably right.. eyes bigger than belly...

"That's what mommy says too." Qian laughed.

"Oh my god it's FX!.. oh my god." Some girls said as they came into the bathroom. "Aww look he's with his son.." she got her cell out.

Jamie stood up. "Have some fucking respect yeah.. I'm here with my son who is feeling sick!.."

The girls walked back out and didn't say a word.
"Umm... You're in the ladies Ja...

"I don't care.." he said and Qian smiled at him.

They finally got him back to the table and a small crowd had gathered. "Why do all these people take pictures of you.. are you famous?" Qian asked him.

"I am.." he said with a smile.

"Wow mommy he's famous... do you have a big house with a pool and bbq." He asked excited.

"I do..."

"Wow!.. can we go mommy... please?.." he asked her begging her with his big brown eyes.

Jamie looked at Gianna. "You can both come to my place anytime you want.."

Gianna looked at him and swallowed hard. He did something to her every time, he just knew how to push her buttons. "Okay lil man we need to leave.."

"But I wanna stay mommy... I want to stay with daddy... please...

"No we need to go home.."

"I hate you...

"Excuse me." She said as he sat and sulked with his mean mug on like his father.

"Hey.. never tell yo mama you hate her.. I never wanna hear that.. do you hear me?." Jamie said to him in a strict tone.

"I just wanna come to your house!."

"and you will.. right now you need to do as yo mommy tells you okay... and If you want to come to my house I don't ever want to hear that you've said anything like that to yo mother ever again you got that?" He said looking at him sternly.

"Yes daddy" he replied and he slid off of his seat and walked around to Gianna and giving her a hug.

Gianna stood up ready to leave putting on her jacket. "When can I see him?" Jamie asked.

She looked at him. " let me talk to Nathan and then I'll get in touch with you...

"What do you mean talk to Nathan, what does it have to do with him when I see my son! I'm not doing this Gianna... I want to see him at least three times a week... at least" he said with emphasis.

" i'll be in touch Jamie" she said to him with her eyebrows raised as she grabbed the rest of the stuff and walked out holding Qian's hand. Qian kept looking back at Jamie and waved at him with a smile. Jamie waved back, happy that he had seen him.....

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