Chapter 15 - a truce

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"... he is perfect..."

Gianna stood in the doorway of Qian's bedroom and watched Jamie as he looked lovingly over his sleeping son. "He's getting so big now too.. he's definitely gonna have my height that's for sure.." he added.

"Yeah.. I can see he's gonna grow like hell.. for which I'll be coming to you for those extra clothes when he needs it.." she said.

"I will give him anything that he wants and needs

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"I will give him anything that he wants and needs... any time" he smiled.

Gianna looked at his eyes as he smiled. She felt those all too familiar butterflies in her stomach, the ones that she only ever got with him. "You're gonna need to leave now...

"Really, I have only just got here..

"And this is putting strain on my relationship with Nathan"

"If you ask me, you and him together... it just don't look right" he shrugged

"yeah, well no one did ask you and now Qian is sleeping you can go" she said to him with her eyebrows raised.

He walked over to her. "If I was to say that I would never do the shit that I did to you ever again...

"I would say that I have heard it all before more than once." she replied. "You are pretty toxic to be around...

"Damn! thanks...

"Jamie, you took a liking to me when I was a teenage girl, you kept me close and you had me. Then I wasn't enough for you and it was you in a relationship with several girls and me... but you didn't just do this to me once so why would I even entertain it.. plus what you did to me, breaking into my place and messing with my head.. that is not love.. none of that resembles love..."

He sighed. "How do you know and can be so sure if you don't just let me show you the man I am now after being in lock up for so long... you were all I thought about in there.. every day and night, you and my son.." he told her. " I hated what happened to Jayden too... I am not a monster G, I made mistakes" he looked her dead in the eyes. "You and that boy are everything to me"

She just looked at him.


"So, what do we do, this all started out as fun, but I feel that I want to be around you more, I want us to be together Nathan, it has been what I have wanted for a long time and deep down you know that. Tell me you don't feel the same" Verne said to him as they stopped in his car, in a quiet secluded spot.

"The truth of the matter is Verne, this is fun... there was never supposed to be any strings attached, moving you into the house was probably the wrong move."

"Do you love her?"

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"Do you love her?"

"What do you think?" he said to her with his eyebrows raised "She is complex, but she's beautiful and I am breaking her heart... I let my jealousy over her, and Jamie cloud my better judgement, and I need to man up and face my responsibilities, meaning you're gonna need to move back out... and I also think it would be wise for you to distance yourself from Gianna" he added.

She sat back in her chair winded. She didn't expect it to go this way she didn't want it to go this way. "Every day since I've been in that house, we have made love... you come to me, you don't even go to her. And now you're feeling guilty, I know you really want to be with me, but you're just stuck"

We need to take it back to what it was in the beginning, it needs to be just fun. If that can't happen, then it needs to be over, because I have to concentrate on my girl and my son"

She shook her head. "He is not your son! He never will be your son! The sooner you come to terms with that the better" she said angrily.

"look I know that this is not how you wanted it to pan out but the truth of the matter is I am with someone and even if Qian and knows it or not I love him like he is my own and me and him do have a bond"

"Whatever Nathan, just Take Me Home" she said to him folding her arms across her chest with a pout on her lips. "All I have to say is, you have definitely changed your tune. She will be back with Jamie before you know it and then what?" she added, and they pulled off heading back towards the house.

Nathan was caught between a rock and a hard place. He did love Gianna, he also had feelings for Vern, and all of this with Jamie turning up out of the blue had really thrown his feelings into turmoil.


"..okay, So, you tell me what was going on between you and Goldee? One of my closest friends and you and her were sleeping with each other behind my back. How do you think that makes me feel Jamie? It sure as hell doesn't make me want me to jump back into your arms!"

"Look, I made mistakes, I told you that... but I have grown out of that shit and that happened before I got sent to jail and had time to reflect on all the things that I have done...It has always been you Gianna, always" he said to her.

"Jamie you really need to goo now, I'll be in touch for you to see Qian...

He sniggered and shook his head. "I don't go to all this effort for just anyone .. I have only ever gone as hard as I have for you.. yes, I met you when you were young.. but we waited.. because I wanted you... like I still want you even now.. even more." He said.

"We'll talk... about Qian and when you can see him next.. I'll call you." She said and watched as she shook his head and left.

She went to the door as he left and she was surprised to see Verne walking up the drive, she didn't look happy. Verne looked at Jamie as he got in his car and took off.
"What would Nathan say if he knew he was here?."

"What?... Verne!.." she said but she just walked straight past her and up the stairs not even looking back.

Gianna shut the door. She went upstairs to check on Qian. She watched her son, she loved the bones of him. Out of the tumultuous relationship she had had with Jamie, Qian was the best thing to come from it. 

She kissed his head and headed downstairs to lock up and get ready for bed. It didn't look like Verne was much in the mood for company.
She got to the bottom of the stairs and she heard Nathan's car pull into the drive. She waited for him to put his key in the lock and open the door. She had no idea that he had been the one to drop Verne off at the bottom of the street and that he had seen Jamie leaving to, his blood was boiling....

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