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A/N: I can't remember if they the polyjuice potion in the second movie or the first one. but if they do it in the second one then let's just pretend that this is the timeline of their first year.

I was at dinner and I was sitting at my usual spot. Suddenly Hermione, Ron and Harry start talking but I'm not paying attention to the're conversation.

Then Suddenly Hermione pulls two muffins out of her pocket.

"What are those?" I ask referring to the muffins in Hermione's hands

"Nothing much." She says puting them back in her pocket.

Why won't she tell me? She told Ron and Herry. But not me.

"Whatever." I say under my breath, turning my attention back to my food.

Dinner ends and I just go back to my doom and go to sleep wanting this strange day to be over.

I wake up, get ready and go to class.

When I get there I sit next to Ron, Hermione and Harry. When I sit down they look at me like I'm crazy.

What did I do?

They look at each other then look back at me.

I sigh knowing that they want me to move. But there too kind to say it.

I sigh once more and get up. I sit at a table away from them. Alone.

The class ends and I don't even want to go to my next class... But I have to because it's potions. And if I don't go my father will be worried and ask me why I wasn't there. And I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want to tell him the truth either.

So I'll just go to class.

I walk in and don't even bother to try and sit next to Hermione, Ron and Harry, I just sit by myself. Again.

I don't even pay attention. I'm just trying to figure out why they don't want me to sit with them.

(Them as in Harry, Ron and Hermione).

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my father calling my name.

"Yes?" I say.

"Can you answer the question to this paragraph?" My father ask's pointing to the paragraph in my potions book.

It was a paragraph about a flower or something.

I look at the paragraph then back at my father.

"No" I say.

"Why not?" My father asked.

"Because I don't know the answer." I say in a 'duh' tone.

He just sighs and goes back to the front of the class. He continues teaching and class eventually ends.

I get up and make my way to the door.

"Elizabeth" my father calls from the front of the he class.

"Yes?" I ask turning around.

"Why weren't you paying attention?" He asked.

I sigh remember the how that my friends didn't want me to sit with them.

"It's a long story." I say not really wanting to tell him.

"I have time." he says sounding concerned.

"Well I don't." I say the walk out the door.

I walk down the hall. Except I'm not going to my class. I'm not going to the common room ether.

I'm going to the bathroom to cry.

I run through the door of the bathroom. No one's ever in here because Myrtle.

"Hello." Myrtle says.

"Hi" I say annoyed. Not at Myrtle though.

I go in a stall and Lock myself in it, And cry.

"Are you alright? Myrtle ask's me.

"Yeah." I say wiping my tears of my face.

"Are you sure?" Myrtle asked.

I tell Myrtle how Hermione, Ron and Harry didn't want to sit with me.

About and hour later I leave And go to my next class.

The ✨golden trois✨ POV:

Hermione, Ron and Harry are in the girls bathroom making the polyjuice potion.

Hermione's stirring the potion while ron and Harry talk.

Then Myrtle flys over to them.

"You know you there are quite rude." Myrtle says.

"What are you talking about, Myrtle?" Ron asked.

"A few hours ago, a girl who looked quiet like Snape, but had green eyes came in here... I think her name was... Elizabeth. Anyway she came in here crying. She told me how you guys didn't want to sit with her. And looked at her like she was crazy." Myrtle said.

Ron, Harry and Hermione all looked at each other.

"Maybe we should have told her." Hermione said.

"No. She would have told Snape." Harry said.

"Well it's to late now. And now she thinks we hate her, or something." Ron says.

"we can still tell her. I don't want her to think we hate her." Hermione says.

"She'll tell Snape!" Harry said.

"If we ask her not to tell Snape she won't." Ron says.

Harry sighs.

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