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Harry decided that he would be the one to tell me.

Harry went to the library where i was. And he walked up to me as i turned a page to the book i was reading.

Harry sat across from me and waited for me to look up at him. But I didn't.

"umm, so." Harry started.

I sigh and look up at him. I don't want to talk to him. or anyone for that matter.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

He explained why him, Hermione and Ron acted the way they did. But he didn't say sorry for acting like a jerk.

"Cool." I say sarcastically.

"Just don't...tell...Snape." Harry said.

"I don't know what I would tell him. I mean I'm not apart of this, or whatever it is." I say, more annoyed then I already was.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"I don't really want to be apart of this." I say.

"Well... Why not?" He asked annoyed.

"I just don't want to....I won't tell my father"

"...good" Harry says then gets up and walks away.

"I couldn't care less if you want to be apart of it or not." I hear him say under his breath as he walks away.

My heart stops. I feel tears in my eyes but just ignore the pain.

Harry was the first person I talked to on the train. He was my first friend. My best friend... Or so I thought.

Why was he being such a jerk?

I sigh and just continue to read my book.

After I finish the book I put it back and go to the Gryffindor common room and sit on the couch in front of the fire.

Soon I felt the weight of someone well two people sit on each side of me.

I look up from the fire. And see: Fred and Georgie Weasley. Sitting at the side of me.

They look at me smiling. I smile sadly back at them.

"What's wrong, Liz?" George ask's.

"It's not important." I say. but they would ask anyway, They we're way two nice not to ask.

"Of course it is" Fred says ruffling my hair.

"My favorite character died in a book." I lie. But they could always tell when I was lying I don't know how but they could always tell.

Of course they saw right through my lie.

They looked at each other then back at me.

"Are you sure?" Georgie ask's.

"You can trust us. We won't tell anyone." Fred said.

I sigh. "It's Harry. he's being a jerk." I say on the Verge of tears.

They look at each other again and then back at me.

"How?" Fred asked.

"Him, Hermione and Ron where doing something and we're acting strange. So Harry tells me and I said i didn't want to be apart of it and he said he couldn't care less." I say sadly.

I look up at the twins and they look... Mad? I've never seen them mad before. I look back at the fire.

"Sorry to hear about that, Liz." Georgie said standing up.

"It's alright." I say.

"Well we have to go but hope you feel better." Fred said standing up as well.

I smile at them. Some how they always know how to make people feel better.

They go to the boys dorms.

I sit there for another 20 minutes or so. Then go to the girls dorms and go to bed.

I wake up the next day, get ready and go to breakfast.

I sit by myself. Not really eating my food just looking at it. I don't really have an appetite right now.

I see the twins whispering among them self's but they stor when they see me. They smile and way so I smile and wave back at them.

Breakfast finally ends and I get up and go to my first class.

Unfortunately for me I have potions first.

I walk in the classroom a little late and sit down by myself.

Until a ravenclaw girl with blonde/white hair sits next to me

"I'm Luna, Luna lovegood" she says.

"Elizabeth Snape" I say.

"Nice to meet you." Luna says with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Luna." I say.

"Do you prefer to be called by your name or, a Nickname?" She ask's.

"Either or is fine." I say. "How about you?"

"Same." She says sweetly.

I smile. She's so sweet and kind.

"Wanna be friends?" I ask.

"I would love that." She says smiling.

I smile back.

"Girls!" Father calls from the front of the class.

Getting our attention we look at the front of the classroom.

"Something you'd like to share with the class?" Father asked.

We both shook our heads.

"Then be quiet." Father says annoyed.

"Yes sir." Luna says.

After class I go to the bathroom to tell Myrtle about Luna. I tell her everything she was my only friend before Luna.

I walk in the bathroom and see Ron, Harry and Hermione. They look up at me.

"Oh, sorry." I say then walk back out the door.

I hear footsteps follow me. But I keep walking.

Until someone grabs my shoulder and I turn. It was Harry. I hate him now.

"What do you want?" I ask him annoyed.

"Did you tell Snape?" Harry asked.

"No." I say.

"Good." he says taking his hand off my shoulder.

"Yeah, good. Now get away from me." I say still annoyed he's that even talking to me.

He walks back to the bathroom and I keep walking down the hall.

Until I see my father. Great.

He walks over to me.

"Why have you been acting this way?" He ask's

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You're going to have to eventually." He says.

I sigh because I know he's right.

"Harry Potter" I mutter quietly.

"What?" He ask's not hearing me.

"Harry Potter." I say louder.

"What did he do?" He ask's.

"He's being a jerk." I say.

"Well that's not surprising."

I glare at him.

"I have to go to dinner." I say then go to the great hall for dinner.

I sit at the ravenclaw table next to Luna and we talk and laugh the entire time.

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