Chapter Fifteen

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Kirito Suzuki

"If you had to choose between fame over obscurity and fortune over happiness, which would you choose?" That's the next question that Razal asked Kirito.

Kirito considered the question carefully before answering.

"I would choose obscurity and fortune," he said. "While fame can bring a certain level of satisfaction, it can also come with a loss of privacy and the pressure of constant scrutiny. And happiness, while important, can come naturally. Fortune, on the other hand, can provide stability and security. It can also allow one to pursue meaningful pursuits and make a difference in the world."

"I left a life of fame when I lost my riches and wealth. To be honest, I was targeted by criminals, but I managed to trade with caution. However, my greed made me an easy target for fraudsters. One of them succeeded in swindling me, and you know the rest. If my fate changes, I will live a life of obscurity with my family, even if I become rich and wealthy again. As I've said before, contentment is what I strive for. Happiness will follow. So, for me, obscurity and fortune would be the better choice."

Kirito paused, letting his words sink in. He looked up at Razal, his eyes filled with determination.
Razal listened thoughtfully, intrigued by Kirito's perspective.
"Alright then, let's move on to the next question," Razal said.

Oliver Collins

Razal looked at Oliver intently and asked, "If you had to choose between fame over obscurity and fortune over happiness, which would you choose?"

Hearing that, Oliver didn't think much before answering.

"If I had to choose between fame and obscurity, and fortune and happiness, I wouldn't care about either of those things," Oliver replied. "My source of happiness isn't my wealth or riches. Instead, it's my wife. Without her, I'd lose my happiness, which is why I'm so eager to save her life. I don't care if I lose a large part of my wealth or riches, as long as my wife is by my side. Whether I'm famous or not is not much of my concern. All that matters is that happiness is present in my life and my wife is the source of that happiness."

Hearing that, Razal gave off an expression that showed he wasn't surprised. It seemed as if he knew that Oliver would give such an answer. "Hmm, that's interesting," he said. "Now let's move on to the next question."

Khali James

Razal looked at Khali and asked, "If you had to choose between fame over obscurity and fortune over happiness, which would you choose?"

Hearing that, Khali considered the question carefully before answering.

"I'd definitely choose obscurity and fortune," he said with confidence. "Fame is overrated and fleeting. And while happiness is important, it doesn't have to come from wealth or fame. I think true happiness comes from within. It comes from being content with what you have, from living a life of obscurity and being at peace with yourself. And fortune can be a source of happiness too, if used wisely."

Razal was a bit impressed by Khali's answer. "That was an interesting answer," he said. "Now let's move on to the next question."

Meshach Adewale

"If you had to choose between fame over obscurity and fortune over happiness, which would you choose?" Razal asked.

Razal's question broke through Meshach's thoughts, and Meshach responded with certainty.

"I'd choose obscurity and happiness," he said, sounding composed and level-headed. "Fame usually comes with a loss of privacy and a constant need to maintain a certain image. I think it would be stressful and exhausting to live under such scrutiny. I also believe that happiness should come from within, not from external factors like wealth or popularity. I think that fulfillment and satisfaction can be found through obscurity."

Razal considered Meshach's words carefully, intrigued by his unique perspective.
"Alright then, let's move on to the next question," Razal said.

Dominick Ricardo

"If you had to choose between fame over obscurity and fortune over happiness, which would you choose?"

That's the next question that Razal asked Dominick.
Without thinking much, Dominick answered.

"I don't care about fame or obscurity. All I care about is fortune, and having lots of money would make me happy!" Dominick said with enthusiasm. "I could buy whatever I wanted, go wherever I wanted, and have all the luxuries I desired. Money would give me the freedom to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I'm sure that wealth would make me happy, and I could also use it to make others happy, especially my relatives and friends. If I had wealth, I don't think I would have become so depressed and hopeless when I lost my job. It was a job I loved, and I felt like I'd lost my means of survival. It's not like I was even paid a large sum of money in the first place, but my job was taken away from me. It was so painful for me. If you hadn't intervened, I would have taken my life. I'm grateful to have the chance to change my fate now," Dominick said with gratitude.

Razal listened to Dominick's words, his expression neutral. "Alright then, let's move on to the next question," he said.

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