The silence between them was so thick it felt louder than the faint hum of activity in the HYBE building, but Hansol didn't mind. He'd always found quiet moments comforting rather than awkward. Besides, they were practically strangers. What would there even be to say?
A vibration interrupted the calm, and Hansol glanced back to see the woman pausing to check her phone. Her expression was apologetic as she glanced up to meet his gaze.
"Sorry, just a message," she said quickly, as if worried she'd offended him.
Hansol offered a small smile, shrugging. "Go ahead. Don't worry about me."
Though he couldn't see her screen, the rapid tapping of her fingers and the faintest hint of a smirk on her lips told him whatever conversation she was having was far livelier than their walk. He didn't mind, though. It gave him a chance to study her—not in a creepy way, but out of pure curiosity. She carried herself with a kind of effortless confidence that contrasted sharply with the buttoned-up executives he was used to seeing. It was... different.
Her laugh, soft and almost accidental, brought him back to reality.
"Group chat?" he guessed, gesturing to her phone.
She looked at him, startled by his sudden question, but quickly recovered. "Yeah. My friends, who also happen to be my assistants." She chuckled again, and Hansol wasn't sure why he kept the conversation going, but the words spilled out before he could stop himself.
"That's pretty cool. You get to work with your friends?"
She seemed to mull that over for a moment, as though she hadn't really thought about it before. "I guess I do. It's kind of rare these days, huh?"
Hansol nodded, adjusting his pace to match hers. "It is. I mean, my members are my best friends now, but we weren't close when we first started out. It just... happened over time."
"That's kind of amazing," she said, genuinely impressed. "It's so much easier to show up to work when you have people worth showing up for."
Her comment made him smirk. "Yeah, it is."
The door to the meeting room came into view, and Hansol suddenly realized something. Why was she here? He knew almost everyone at HYBE, and she definitely wasn't one of their staff.
Before he could ask, she confidently pushed open the door, revealing a sleek conference room dominated by a long table and a breathtaking view of Seoul. The executives seated inside immediately rose to greet her, their stiff demeanor a stark contrast to the warmth she exuded.
"Good morning!" she said brightly, her voice cutting through the formality in a way that somehow felt disarming.
Hansol lingered near the doorway, still trying to piece everything together. She fit in with these people, but at the same time, she didn't. Her style had an edge, her movements were too relaxed, too natural. She wasn't like them.
"How are you, Ms. Park?" his manager asked, standing to shake her hand.
Park. So that was her last name. But what about her first? No one came to mind, and it bugged him.
"I'm doing great, thank you," she replied smoothly, her smile unwavering. "Now, why don't we discuss Mr. Vernon's schedule?"
Hansol's brain stalled. She knows who I am?
The realization hit like a truck, and before he could stop himself, he blurted out, "You're from RockSt4r!"
The room went silent, every eye darting to him. His manager's disapproving glance was enough to make him sink into his chair. "Sorry," he muttered, bowing his head slightly. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
To his surprise, the girl—Park something—laughed. It wasn't the polite kind of laugh either; it was genuine, warm, and completely unexpected.
"Sorry," she said, catching her breath. "I wasn't laughing at you. I just didn't expect my little prank to work so well. I don't usually reveal my position to people I've just met—for obvious reasons."
Hansol relaxed slightly, his earlier embarrassment melting away.
"Park Nabi," she continued, extending a hand toward him. "Creative Director at RockSt4r. Nice to meet you, Mr. Vernon."
Hansol shook her hand, his mind still reeling. He had no idea who this girl was an hour ago, and now? She was already the most interesting thing to happen to him all day.