Chapter 1

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"Where am I…" a soft voice called out, delicate hands rubbing her dark onyx eyes. As she lifted herself, long dark locks of silky hair flowed over her shoulders as they revealed themselves to reach her waist.

Her movement was graceful, years of shinobi training has made her movement smooth and flowing like instinct, her eyes flashed red and her world became a familiar white.

"Konoha…?" She breathed out, confusion and a glimmer of hope laced through her voice. Suddenly pain flooded her head and memories of things before her time yet past her time flashed before her eyes. "Sasuke!" She called out, hands grasping at nothing and outstretched as if she was desperately reaching for someone.

Then, she collapsed, unconscious. Loud footsteps filled the halls, each step resounding with anxiety as a servant burst into the room shouting, "Itachi-sama! Itachi-sama! What happened!" and when he finally processed the still body in front of him, the servant cried out, "Someone! Help! Itachi-sama is unconscious on the floor!" Cries of panic resounded through the large compound.

On a broken bed with springs popping out in odd places, one blond slept deeply without a care in the world. Suddenly, he sat up cursing like a sailor causing his ANBU guard to whip his head away from his book in shock, which was quite a feat considering how much he love that book. The blond in question is one Uzumaki Naruto, jinchuriki of the 9 tailed fox, the Kyuubi.

"Maaannnn that was the weirdest dream ever…" Naruto thought out loud. "Seriously a three eyed rabbit goddess? Me and Teme being best friends? What the hell have I been eating!" he exclaimed. Then his body crashed back into the bed, as if he went back to sleep. The ANBU guard gave the blond a weird look before going back to his favourite book, paradise in his hand. But back with Naruto, he was face to face with the Kyuubi. "Kyuubi! Why am I here! Why… why are You here!" Naruto exclaimed in panic.

"Shut it ningen... Why the flying fuck am I back in this motherfucking prison!" Kyuubi roared out.

"Wha.. what!?" Naruto questioned. "Aren't you dead!?"

"Stop the act kit." Kyuubi sulked. Naruto just sighed and sat down.

"I wish it's all a dream though… I wonder how is Sasuke and Sakura? What if they got killed by that rabbit goddess? WHAT SHOULD I DO?" He asked, anxiety slowly seeping into his voice as he got louder and louder with each question, pacing and jumping all over in a panic.

"STOP IT KIT! Don't be a fool!" Kyuubi roared, knocking Naruto over with his voice. "Whatever Kagura wanted to do, it shouldn't have been able to send us to the past… or at least I don't think she wanted to. Looks like the heavens has given you another chance brat." Naruto nodded in agreement, letting out another heavy sigh and plopped back down. "Now we got to plan what we should do and make sure we stay hidden. We got to make sure you got stronger so that you can screw Akatsuki over when they come!" Kyuubi gave a feral grin.

"Right Dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed. "We got to save JiJi and Haku and Zabuzza and Jiarya and…" Naruto donned on about all the people he wanted to save while kyuubi sighed and went to sleep.

Next Day

"Kage Bushin!" Naruto called out, his umpteenth attempt at trying to relearn the shadow clones. Meanwhile inside his head, Kurama was laughing his ass off, making jokes of every attempt.

"Oi Naruto it looks like it's going to puke! HAHAHAHA Oh shit, How Did It Get Its Head Down There What The Hell HAHAHAHAHA-"

"Ok ok stop laughing already Kurama why the hell can't I get this right!" Naruto cut in irritated after his uh… 512th attempt..

"Breathe in… breath out… Ok… so, well, have you checked your age?" Kurama mocked, struggling not to laugh. "Cause if you did not see… you are the Age Of 4? This body has no whatsoever experience in molding chakra." Kurama proceeded to laughing loudly again.

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