Chapter 5

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After Dinner, Itachi and Naruto went home.

'Hey Naruto-kun would you like to train before tomorrow.? ' Itachi asked.

'I would love to Ita-chan! ' Naruto exclaimed.

And trained they did. They went on a one on one spar with Naruto closing his eyes just in case Itachi decided to use Genjutsu on him. Also because of him training with Shisui a bit he learned a few things like: sensing chakra and making out his surroundings even with his eyes closed.

The spar was even right until Naruto used the Body Flicker Technique and launched a Rasengan into Itachi. A non-fatal one at least.

'Rasengan huh? Never seen you use it before.'

'Well yeah Itachi-chan, I learned a lot from Jiraiya Sensei. '

'Well, things I will definitely go good tomorrow. I'm hoping at least.'

'Don't worry Itachi-chan because you have your boyfriend yo protect you. '

'Aw Naruto, your so sweet. ' before pulling him into a kiss which he returned. Naruto used the Flying Raijin technique to teleport them back home and get a good nights sleep.

The Next Day
Naruto woke up to start because of Itachi pouring water on the sleeping fox.

'Itachi-chan, why did you pour water on me! ' he exclaimed and then pouted.

Itachi looked at his cute face and chuckled.

'Oh Naruto-kun! ' she laughed out. And then said ' We're late for the match. ' and walked off.

Naruto after hearing this immediately rushed to change and eat what Itachi had cooked for them and carried Itachi before wind shushined into the Hokage's office.

'ANBU NOW! ' the third hokage's shouted before realising who it was and told the Anbu to clear out.

'Naruto, not again. ' Itachi said tight before booking his head.

'Ow! ' Naruto yelled out. 'Was that necessary Ita-chan? '

'Of course it was! How else would you learn to not shushin into the Hokage's offfice! ' Itachi shouted at him before whispering ' I will make it up to you though. '

Naruto just grinned and laughed.

'You two are quite early though. ' said the old Hokage.

'Jiji, what did you mean! ' Naruto yelled at him and glared at Itachi which she nervously chuckled at.

'You two are 2 hours early. 'said Hiruzen.

'I'm sorry Naruto-kun, I'm sorry Hokage-sama. It was my fault because I just wanted us to be earlier. ' Itachi said sounding embarrassed.

'It's fine Itachi. ' said the Hokage.

'This means more training! Yeah! ' Naruto shouted out.

'Naruto, you don't want your energy all depleted because of training do you? said the Hokage.

'Oh, your right Jiji. I almost forgot. ' he chuckled, cheeks starting to flush from embarrassment.

Two hours later
Kakashi, Yugao, Guy, Shikaku and Kurenai came in the Hokage's office.

Naruto and Itachi were shocked and shouted you were our opponents?!

They nodded and left to the venue of the tournament. The Hokage told Naruto and Itachi who their opponents were and they shushined to the venue.

They both arrived to the venue and the first match begun. Itachi tried placing a Genjutsu on Kakashi but he blocked it with his Sharingan. Itachi than crowed behind him and used her kunai to stab Kakashi but he dodged away. Itachi starting to get frustrated used a fireball jutsu on Kakashi which Kakashi countered using a water jutsu.

Kakashi started making a chidori and Itachi activated her Mangekyou Sharingan. She didn't go so far as to use Amaterasu but she did manage to place Kakashi into a Tsukuyomi which placed him under a Genjutsu of torture costing him the match.

The second match was against Naruto and Shikaku of the Nara clan. Naruto started of with a Chunin level move, the Body Flicker technique to "teleport" behind Shikaku. Shikaku dodged out of the way of the incoming kunai from behind him and used the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu which Naruto easily avoided by teleported to the Thunder God Kunai that was placed at the start of the match which was 50 feet away.

' Tough match kid, but I got this. '

'Oh no you don't grandpa. '

Shikaku used the Shadow Possession Jutsu when Naruto Body Flickered behind Shikaku and he Body Flicked away from Naruto. Naruto was getting mad and just created a Rasengan which was only the Second Stage version but still pretty painful and formed a Rasenshuriken out of it which led everyone to be extremely flabber-gasted. Before Naruto threw it Shikaku gave up and walked away. Naruto just deactivated it and walked to the stands where Itachi stood waiting.

'Itachi-chan, did you see my new Jutsu. ' he asked anxiously.

'Yeah I did Naruto-kun.' she said and he was really happy because of his new Jutsu.

Next was the match between Yugao, Kurenai and Guy vs Naruto and Itachi.

The match begun and the duo was performing like two S level ninja like they were supposed to be. Kurenai tried to place Itachi in a Genjutsu but she reversed it and placed Kurenai in Tsukuyomi. Yugao tried Body Flickering behind Naruto but was stopped with a Rasengan that was plunged into her stomach. Guy tried to kick Naruto and Itachi over and over again but was stopped when Naruto Body Flickered in front of Guy and jumping out of the way to reveal a Tsukuyomi. Guy closed his eyes in time but couldn't see so Naruto took this an opportunity and plunged a level two Rasengan into him. Guy was knocked back into the Stadium wall and fell unconscious.

Because of the circumstances that the 5 Jonin were in, they postponed the final match for a month to let the Jonin have rest.

The Next Day
Naruto was called to the Hokage's office and was surprised with what the Hokage said.

'Naruto I hereby grant you the title of Jonin. '

'What but I'm only 11! '

'I know but you managed to defeat three of our most top level Shinobis. '

'I am honoured Jiji. I promise I won't let you down. '

'I know you won't. Anyway that's all I called you for. '

'Okay old man. ' Naruto said before he left to go home.

When Naruto got home he told Itachi about him becoming Jonin.

'I'm so proud of you Naruto-kun! ' and kissed him on the lips which he returned.

With Sasuke and Sakura
'Kakashi Sensei was defeated by Itachi?! ' Sasuke yelled.

'Yes. ' said the Hokage.

'Then who is going to train us? ' Sakura asked.

'Yamato is going to teach you in the meantime. ' said the Hokage.

'Hi everyone. ' said Yamato.

'Hi Yamato Sensei. ' said Sasuke and Sakura.

'I guess I'll leave these two to you then  Yamato. ' said the Hokage.

'Alright Hokage-sama. ' replied Yamato.

'My sister became this strong..... '

'Sasuke it's just your sister, she lives with you right? '

'No, Sakura she lives with Naruto. '

'The boy who graduated at 8 years old?! '

'Yeah and he is a sister stealer too. '

'What do you mean Sasuke? '

'He is dating my sister what else! '

'What?! Is that why she doesn't live with you and your family! '

'Yeah, and that is why I will get my revenge. '

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