episode 8

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As the sun shined its rays of sunlight into the apartment, through the large window and on the honey like skin of the young male.

Nick slowly opened his eyes, as he was woken up from his slumber. He looked around his bed only to feel an empty space beside him. He let a yawn before looking around his surroundings and stretching his arms out. He sat up on the bed, cracking his neck and moving away the duvet from his body. He stood up and put on his sandals before heading towards the bathroom to complete his morning routine.

Once coming out of the bathroom, He started walking towards the kitchen to prepare his breakfast. When Nick arriving at the kitchen, He saw Dan looking for something in the fridge. He let out a slight smile seeing his beloved boyfriend again. He took a few steps towards to dan before wrapping his arms around Dan's waist and digging his head into his neck, back hugging him. Nick felt him become startled at the sudden contact. Feeling nick behind him, Dan turned around to his boyfriend before planting a kiss on his head with a smile.

"Where have you been?" Nick questioned, as he snuggled his head into the warm skin, taking in his scent. "Just been a bit busy" Dan replied in a tone which almost seemed not apologetic at all. Dan hugged him back and giving a small kiss on his neck.

"Hey baby can I talk to you about something?"Dan said still hugging Nick. Nick slowly broke the hug and looked into Dan's eyes. "Yes, anything" Nick said with a smile as he looked at his boyfriend. He gestured Nick to sit down on the dining table. Nick followed his order before sitting down on one of the chairs, looking at his boyfriend with big eyes. Dan took a seat in front of Nick, "Were you with someone last night? If so, who?" Dan looked straight into Nick's eyes, hoping for an honest answer. 

"I was actually! you know that friend that I told you about? Boston? Yeah him. I invited him to dinner to repay him for letting me stay at his place." Nick replied honestly with a slight frown, looking straight into Dan's eyes.

"Why do you ask?" Nick slightly tilted his head to his right side in confusion 'how did Dan know he was out yesterday, I don't remember telling him'."No it's just I got sent this picture earlier this morning" Dan took out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through his gallery a bit before turning his phone to Nick to show him.

It was a picture of him and Boston, right when Nick was fixing his hair. The photo was positioned in such a way, it looks like nick was about to kiss him. "By who?" Nick questioned, unless he has a stalker, there is no reason someone would stop by and waste their time just to take a picture of him and his friend. "Just by someone. But you're sure he's just a friend?" Dan questioned again, as if he didn't trust his boyfriend's loyalty. "Yes, I'm positive!" Nick replied honestly, how could his own boyfriend doubt him after so many months they have been together. Nick has been with Dan through the thick and thin, staying by his side even when Dan pushed him away. He never once felt there would be a need to cheat on him.

"Oh ok, I was just asking" Dan's voice sounded as if he was bit guilty of something, something he has been hiding from Nick, which is clearly not like him as he is a very honest person especially when it comes to Nick.

"Did you have breakfast yet?" Dan said, wanting to forget the conversation. "No not yet" Nick  lightly shook his head. "I'll prepare something for you then ok?"


Few days after that incident...

Nick hazily stared at the wine bottle in front of him. He turned his head over to the clock, It's almost midnight. 'so much for a surprise.' Nick let out a deep sigh.

See, His plan was to surprise Dan with a romantic dinner. He finally got a day off and he hoped that it would just the two of them. In fact he even cooked for the both of them. He bought candles, and lit them all around the table. It was meant to be the perfect dinner and maybe they'll end up in the bed after.

Nick blew out all the candle in front of him, before starting to clean up the table. He knew Dan wasn't coming anytime sooner. He unlocked his phone, only to be greeted with no new notifications from Dan. Not even a text. He poured himself a glass of wine before chugging the whole thing down his throat, drinking his problems away.

While cleaning up, Nick felt the vibration from the phone in his pocket. He was getting a call. Thinking it's Dan, He immediately took his phone out of his pocket. It wasn't Dan, It was ton. Lately him and ton have been talking a lot the past few days, He felt closer to him.

But Out of all the people, Boston. Don't get him wrong, He loves Boston's company, just a bit disappointed it wasn't Dan. Neither less he answered the phone call.

"Hello, ton." Nick held his phone next to his ear, using his shoulder to support the device as he cleaned the table with a heavy heart. "Are you free? Like right now?" Boston said from the other line. "Uhh.. yea, why do you ask?" Nick asked in confusion. "Look outside your window". Nick slightly raised his eyebrow in confusion. He stopped whatever he was doing and walked over to the window. He opened the curtains, his eyes wandered around in the empty street. Until He spotted a car, with a man leaning against the car door and a phone near his ear. The man was none other then Boston himself.

Boston flashed him a smile before waving his hand towards his direction. Nick's eyes widened at the other male's presence. He quickly closed the curtains before grabbing whatever coat he had laying around and exiting his apartment, not forgetting to lock the door behind him.

Nick quickly took the stairs down his apartment and exited through the gate. His eyes scanned the area in search of a particular person. "NICK!" Boston shouted. Nick immediately turned his head towards the voice, before jogging over to him. "Ton! What are you doing up this late" Nick whispered in a worried expression. "Just driving around the area. I was wondering, would you like to come with me to to a near 24-hour restaurant that opened right down the street?" Though it was a risky move, Boston still shooted his shot. During the past few days, all Boston could think about is Nick, and only Nick. He knows his feelings may be one-sided, He knows in the end it's going to be him getting hurt, but even the slightest ounce of hope gave him the motivation that maybe he still  does have a chance.

Nick took a few seconds to stare at the other. It was pretty late at night and Dan could be home at any second. But then again, who is he to care? If Dan won't find time for him, why should he? "Yeah.. sure!" Nick replied in a soft tone, having a slight smile on his face as he followed the other wherever he was going to take him.


Nick let out a final laugh before saying "Guess this is where we say goodbye" Nick said and turned over to Boston with the slight smile.

"Have a safe trip home all right? Text me when you get there!" Nick said unbuckling the seatbelt after receiving a smile from Boston. Nick got out of the car, closing the car door behind him. Before entering his apartment, He gave Boston a smile before entering through the apartment gate. Boston watched as the other male disappear before going home. Though he doesn't express his feelings much with Nick, if only the brown haired boy knew how much life he has brought back to him. It made Boston wonder where he would be if he didn't meet Nick.

To him, Loving Nick felt like choosing to cross the tracks, even though he knew the train was coming.


(Back to nick)

As Nick walked inside the elevator, he felt his heart become lighter than before. He felt like Boston was his escape out of reality. Almost as if his problems are just vanish when he is with him. He hasn't had this feeling in a long time. It feels good.


Nick stepped out of the elevator, with a slight smile on his face.  He used the keys inside his pocket before opening his apartment door. The lights were lit, Dan must have came home. Nick walked inside, closing the door behind him. He hanged his coat on the coat hanger when he heard a deep voice behind him.

"Nick, where were you?"


So sorry for the delay. Just having a bit of trouble as work is getting heavy these days. I'll try to keep y'all updated. But for now see you next week <3

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