💫||•Uno king🃏✨️

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The next day has come.Isamu woke up and yawned and saw the kitchen light on.Isamu sratched his head then get off the couch.He went in the kitchen and saw Senzai waiting from him to have breakfast together.Senzai noticed Isamu and greeted him."Good morning Isamu! How was sleep?"Senzai asked."It was good.."Isamu said as he sat down.The two ate their breakfast.After finished eating,Isamu sat the plate in the sink and went upstairs to get ready for the day.Isamu wore an orange sweater with black baggy pants.After that,Isamu went to the kitchen to see Senzai done doing the dishes."Hey Senzai,since its the weekend..Why don't we have some fun?"Isamu said.Senzai smiled and said."I was about to ask you that!".The two giggled.Then later on,they had a really good time watching their favorite anime,painting,playing video games,eating snacks,laughing and chatting.Hours later,they decided to play Uno.Senzai knew he is gonna win cause he is really really really good at uno.The played the game and Senzai ended up winning all the time.The played the last round and Senzai won again."You are really an uno king,aren't you?"Isamu said and chuckled."Yes,I am but not really since I think there are some that are better than me."Senzai said.Isamu smiled."Hey Isamu,wanna go eat outside?"Senzai said."Sure,I am just fine!"Isamu said.Senzai smiled and the two brothers went out to have lunch.


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