4. slapped tae😔😣

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Ignore my mistakes

Hey, at first taehyung will be weak boy who don't say anything against his husband but don't worry with time tae's character will be strong and independent


After the party with their client mr cha jungkook did get bit drunk while he was with mina

In jeon mansion

It's very late jungkook still didn't arrive home neither picking up tae's calls

Tae is just sitting in couch waiting for him then when the guard came to him

Guard: Mrs jeon , mr jeon did arrived

Tae: so, let him come inside

Guard: actually he is bit drunk (hesitate)

Tae: it's okay , let's go to him

Guard: he is-

Tae: just say it clearly at once

Guard: h.he is with Ms mina

Tae's chest start hurting but he is trying his best to act normal inforent of him

Tae: maybe she is just here to drop him (broken)

Guard and tae both go out to take him , he don't want to see his husband with someone else

Tae went to the car jungkook is fully drunk he is inside the car with mina

He is resting his head in her shoulder , tae is standing their emotionlessly , mina is bit drunk as well

Tae: jungkook let's go inside

Jk: nooooo I don't want leave my best friend (drunk voice)

Tae: carry him outside the car (emotionless)

Mina: heyyyyy , don't take my jungkook away from me (drunk voice)

Guard take him outside the car , mina is still drunk she is in car

After tae did go inside their mansion with drunk jungkook

Jk: leave me you witch , let me go

Tae: kookie don't make noise kids are sleeping, let's go to room first

Jk: what's your problem huh , why are always stick with me (yells)

Tae somehow take jungkook to their room , while he murmuring something

Tae: jungkook take off , your blazers and shoes

Jk: why you wanna have kids with me

He ignore his words because he know there is no use of talking with him now he is drunk

Tae start taking of his blazer but then..............

Jk: stay away form me (yelled)

Tae: J.jungkook

Jk: why are you in my life huh (drunk yet angry)

Tae: you are drunk just sit down, let me help you

Jk: who are you to order me huh (angry for no reason)

Tae is trying to make him clam down but jungkook don't wanna listen to anyone this time

He is bit scared of his behavior now

Tae: kookie pls clam down (pleading)

Jk: get away form my eyes

Tae: jungk-


Jungkook did slapped tae which make fell on cold floor

Jk: you are just maid here , don't dare order me again (yelled at him again)

His words are hurting tae so much , he touch his cheek which turn red now

He start sobbing in his place , tears are flowing form his eyes to his red rosy checks

No matter how much jungkook is cold towards him , he never did raise his hands on him

Tae did start crying

Jk: STOP crying you annoying witch , you are giving me a headache

He did cover up his mouth with his hand to not let the crying sound come out form his mouth

But tears are still flowing form his eyes

After that jungkook lay down on bed and slept

Hello, hope you all like it

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Bye love you all

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