The Imbolc Dinner and Dance in The Dukedom of Lennox Territory

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Lord Alexander Charles Stuart and His Duchess, Lady Josephine Isabella are preparing to celebrate Imbolc in The Dukedom of Lennox Territory

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Lord Alexander Charles Stuart and His Duchess, Lady Josephine Isabella are preparing to celebrate Imbolc in The Dukedom of Lennox Territory.

Lord Alexander Charles is a Celtic Pagan and Lady Josephine Isabella is a Christian Roman Catholic who celebrates the Feast of Candlemas

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Lord Alexander Charles is a Celtic Pagan and Lady Josephine Isabella is a Christian Roman Catholic who celebrates the Feast of Candlemas.

They have invited Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann,

 Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second and Lady Susan Virginia

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 Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second and Lady Susan Virginia

 Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second and Lady Susan Virginia

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 to Lennox Castle to celebrate Imbolc with them.

Lord Andrew Charles has asked if he may bring his first cousin, Lord David William Beck and Lady Katherine Grace as well.

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