The Maternal and Paternal Grandmothers

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They were worlds apart, one was born in the Tiny Province of Habsburg on Star Base 12 , while the other was born on Post World War Three Planet Earth.

They would come together for the first time in 2277, when Lord Alexander Charles Stuart traveled to Beltane Manor to see his first cousins once removed, Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain with their father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory.

Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, wasn't yet Duke of Lennox Territory and he was two years younger than his first cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory and he has come to ask his first cousin's support to marry Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard asks his first cousin " What is wrong with her?"

"Nothing, Lord Andrew Charles, My mother doesn't like her because she is a Christian Roman Catholic and she is damn Orthodox Presbyterian." Lord Alexander Charles explains.

"What? Religion again. I thought our great-great-grandfathers made sure that was in the past." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin.

"Apparently my grandfather didn't believe what his great-grandfather taught." Lord Alexander Charles tells his cousin.

"What else is wrong with her?" Lord Andrew Charles asks

"Lady Josephine Isabella is Hispanic, French, Portuguese, and somewhere in her lineage is Moor." "Lord Alexander Charles states.

"What a moor is of Islamic background but they have converted to Christianity." Lord Andrew Charles states " I have seen pictures of them. "

"There is nothing wrong with any of them but they were forced to convert to Christianity against their will or die." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"I want you to meet Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg, Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa." Lord Alexander Charles tells his cousin and his Duchess.

"Did you bring her with you? I can't leave The Dukedom of Bedford where I govern the Dukedom of Norfolk.' Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"I have two daughters to take care of and my Duchess." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"I have brought her with me, against my mother's advice. I had my father's support." Lord Alexander Charles tells him.

"Lord Alexander Charles. You are now 25 years old and I think you are old enough to marry whoever you want." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin " You took part in the rebellion of 2273."

"We will be happy to meet Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin "if you need our support you have it."

Lord Alexander Charles walks over to the Stuart Carriage and he helps Lady Josephine Isabella to climb out of the carriage and he escorts her over to meet his cousin and his Duchess.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa smile and Lady Karissa says " We are happy to meet you Lady Josephine Isabella and welcome to Beltane Manor."

Lord Alexander Charles doesn't make a good impression upon Lady Karissa when he talks about conquering Lady Josephine Isabella before they are legally married to each other.

Lady Josephine Isabella has been brought up to wait to make love until after they are married and Lord Alexander Charles Stuart is a hot head with hot blood running through his veins.

When he starts to boast about his many conquests in Lennox is when he makes Lady Karissa's blood boil and she looks at him and she tells him 'Your damn first cousin is lousy in bed. He is a good breeder and as a lover he is terrible."

"I have no doubt you are no better. You like to boast about how many courtesans you have taken to bed." Lady Karissa states.

"Actually. I think Lady Josephine Isabella Hasburg is far too good for you, Lord Stuart." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I won't stand in her or your way if it makes you two happy." Lady Karissa tells him.


When their two children marry each other in 2300 

When their two children marry each other in 2300 

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in August they become mother in laws and in 2301 they share the first of three grandchildren together, Lord Alexander Andrew Howard, the future Duke of Lennox Territory, in 2305, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second, Future Duke of Lancaster Territory and in 2310, Lady Josephine Karissa Howard, the future Marchioness of Pembroke Territory.

Each of their grandchildren are different from day and night and all three are beautiful. 

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