Chapter 2

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The dove was so happy with the days it lived there, and it hoped that such days would last forever. But, one day, things began to change. The Princess, who was always in good shape and made it a habit to visit the dove many times a day, did not show up one day. She did not come up to feed it on that day.

On the following day, early in the morning, the dove saw many noblemen gather around the Princess. They all had an anxious look on their faces. It seemed that the Princess had an illness. They were saying that she might not get well and she might possibly pass away. When they mentioned that the war with the neighboring country had just come to a close and peace was close at hand, one of them abruptly said with a loud voice, "The Demon of Razgriz!!"

"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself, first as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns."

"Only the Demon of Razgriz can bring about an illness like this to her!"

he more the dove remembered the Princess' complexion of the previous day, and the more it thought about how seriously the men around her bed were talking, the more anxious it felt. At this rate, the Princess might be gone. She might not wake up to come and see me anymore. Those sad feelings lingered on in its mind.

A blue dove for the princessWhere stories live. Discover now