It's A Day That Will Never Be A Distant Memory

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This morning I woke up with some strong arms wrapped around my waste loosely. That was when I remembered that I let Tom stay the night last night, as we are heading out to America today. It excited me to think that I am taking a break from home, but the downside is that I will be leaving the twins' sides. Last night they told me not to worry about it and reassured me by saying they would try and Skype me. I agreed and mentioned that we might not be able to every night. They were okay with this though which calmed my nerves.

Tom stirred a little breaking me from my thoughts and I couldn't help but to tense a little. He began kissing my shoulder and neck to get me to calm down, it worked. Somehow, I feel that Tom is giving me an unfamiliar feeling, which makes me feel complete. All the little things that he does to comfort me makes me feel...wanted. Like, over the past few years I have felt unwanted and just worthless, but I kept my strength for my friends. They have never told me how much they want me to be around and neither has Tom, even though he has been with me for like a month or so. He may not know much about me or my friends, but a lot has happened over the past month for me, never mind him. It would be a lot to take in I am sure.

"Kathy, are you okay?", Tom's voice was raspy in a morning, but he did sound concerned. Was I really thinking for that long? I turned and looked into his chocolate eyes and saw that amazing spark in  them which always kept me going. Every day I wake up in hope to see that sparkle in his eyes and when I did it is like I am in a daze.  

"Yeah, just thinking tis all", I shrugged and nuzzled my head into his chest. Automatically, Tom held me closer to him, if that is even possible. I noticed he was wearing one of his newest Syndicate Original Tees and I let my index finger follow the pattern of the lion's head. He let out a small chuckle causing his warm breath to move my hair about.

"What about?", he asked teasingly.

"About how you and the guys make me feel", I replied pulling away, so I could see his eyes.

"Is that a good thing?", he asked.

"Of course it is Syndi", I teased. He smiled and I did the same punching his shoulder teasingly. I pressed my lips to his and soon he was doing the same back. I loved the way his lips felt against my own and the way they moved in sync. We separated and I could feel my cheeks burning slightly. "Okay, we need to get ready", I said reluctantly before pulling away.

However, Tom had other ideas and pulled me back onto the bed, so he was now propped up on his elbows over me. I don't know what to do about him, but I do know that if he carries on we will be late for our flight and we will be dealing with an unhappy Tom. "You're going nowhere", he said in a fake stern voice.

"Oh really?", I challenged.

"Really", he challenged back and then his lips went straight for my neck. My head tilted back to give him access, which wasn't originally intended, but it happened. His soft lips massaged my neck as he drew closers to my jaw and then leading down to my lips. I smiled against his lips, but he pulled away and I groaned in annoyance. Well that was rude. He gave me an evil smile before kissing me again causing me to smile against his lips and then roll us over so I was straddling him. Plan? Well why not? I quickly hopped off of him grabbing some clothes and running into the bathroom. "You little bitch!", Tom called after me.

My smile wasn't going anywhere any time soon and I knew that these butterflies in my stomach weren't either. It was all because of my blue haired Syndicate; he made me incredibly happy at times. When I took all of my clothes off, I looked in the mirror quickly and took in every detail of my body. Why would Tom ever want to be with someone like me? My scars are clearly visible and so are the burns, which I brought on myself and the twins.

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