Part 1:The origin of Sweet Tooth

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I woke up and opened my eyes. I looked around the room and looked over at my wife who was still asleep. I looked at the time and realized I have work today so I got out of bed , in my underwear , and walked over to the closet , got my work uniform out , and put it on. I worked as a man going around in an ice cream truck selling ice cream to kids who had the money to buy some. The uniform had just a white shirt , a white triangular hat , white pants with pinkish large polk-a-dots an them and red suspenders.

I walked out of mine and my wife's bedroom and walked over to the door of my 2 daughters , walked in and gave them both a kiss on the head and walked back out closing the door ever so quietly. I walked down stairs and to the front door , I didn't have time for breakfast so I opened the door and walked out to the drive way. In the drive way sat a big cube like ice cream truck with a clown head at the top held up by a big spring. I walked over to the ice cream truck and hoped in , put the key in the ignition , turned it , and pulled out of the drive way.

I was driving down the street in the big ice cream truck and I was nearing the street that had most of the children on it. I got on that street and began to play the song that let the kids know I was here and ready to sell some ice cream. "Bububububub bubububu bubububu bubububaba". The kids surely have heard cause when I parked the truck on the corner of the street they all came running seeing who would get the first cone. I went to the back and opened up the small window and kids began to hold up there money and one by one I took there money and gave them the flavor they wanted. At the end of the day I went to close the window but , there was one more person , a man with a hood up and he stepped up to the window. I said "What flavor would you like sir?" He didn't respond but he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me and said " I want the money."

I was standing still deciding if I should give him the money then I thought about my family , they needed me. I handed all the money to him and he ran off. I was angry but I drove off back to the house. I pulled up to the drive way and got out and walked inside and as soon as I got in my wife started complaining about something .......I didn't listen I just thought about that man and having to hear all those children's screams and all the headaches for nothing. My kids were fighting and my wife began to yell "Needles! Needles are you even listening?!" I ignored her and walked into the garage. At that point I felt like something snapped , like I wasn't the same and that's when I decided what my life was going to be. I worked on a mask for hours , everyone was asleep and I finally finished it. The mask was a clown with a big smile and a big hole in one of the teeth. There were also red patches of hair going out for behind he ears and a red nose , it looked like a rather old mask but I can asure you it was a new face of a murderer.

I put the straps of the mask on my head and took my shirt off but leaving the uniforms pants and suspenders on. I put a fire protective kinda clear cap on my head , put oil on it , and lit it on fire to look more menacing. And by that point I had already made me first murder. Needles Kane died. I killed him and made him brand new. I shouted " Needles is dead!!!! I now go by the name Sweet Tooth soon to be the most nutoriuos murderer alive!!!!!"

To be continued...

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