Part 2: The first murders

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I had just completed the new look of Sweet Tooth but the sun was rising and what was to come had to be a surprise. I took off the mask , put the fire out that was on my head and walked upstairs and layed in bed by my wife acting like I passed out still with the bottom half of my uniform on. I actually fell asleep and when I woke up everyone was already awake. I got up , got on my uniform and went out into the ice cream truck but this time I didn't sell ice cream , this time I brought the truck to a garage I owned far away and it was full of tools.

When I got to the garage I opened the garage door and drove the truck in and parked it. I got and began gathering useful things. First I took large sharp pieces of metal and welded them onto the bottom of the front of the truck so they stook out like large swords. After the day was done , my project was finished. I and strapped 1 machine gun on each side of the truck that could be controlled on the inside and I also added 2 special things to the truck but that's for later. A lot of the weapons that I would use in the truck took one person driving and one person using the actual weapon but I need to attend to something first.

It was dark out and I drove back home but this time I had my head on fire and the mask on. I parked in front of the house and got out and went and opened the back of the truck and pulled out a large blade I had made back at the garage. I grasped the giant blade in my hand and walked up to the door. I knocked and as soon as the door opened I saw a man I didn't know in my house with my wife so as soon as I saw him I chopped his head off with one swipe of the giant sword. I walked over his body and into the living room and saw one of my daughters. I walked up behind her and she turned around and looked me in my red eyes and I made a giant cut in her with the blade.....she died on impact of the blade. I walked upstairs and saw my other daughter and did the same to her as I did to her sister .

I walked back down stairs to see my wife had just walked in and saw the 2 dead bodies downstairs. She saw me and when I tried to cut her she dodged the blade and ran upstairs. I'm so glad I didn't kill her then. I toyed with her. I TEASED her as she tried to escape my blade. Oh she was fun. She ran and hid but I pulled her by her leg when I heard her scream because she found the other dead body. I threw her against the wall. But oh was she a fighter. That bitch actually hurt me. I had her in my grasp ready for my blade to go through her. But somehow I didn't notice she grabbed a pair of scissors that layed on the ground and stabbed them into my eye. She ran for her life. I sat there on my knees trying to pull the scissors out then I did it and yelled. "AHHHH!!". I looked out the window and saw her running. She was the one that got away. I stared down at a family photo and watched with one eye as blood dripped from the other onto the photo. I hated her and that god damned picture. That's when I decided I wanted her head in the icebox of my truck so I can forever hear her screams of pain.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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