Meet with mom

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"Is Noor-ul-Ain here ? Here father has came to pick her up "

                     Author's p.o.v

Noor was filled with curiosity that why had her father came so soon to pick her up

"Yes I am here"
She said

"Pack your bag and come in the ground"

"Ok sir"

She said and started doing what told to
When she came to the ground she saw a lady in an elegant blue coloured saree standing next to her father
She was mesmerised by the beauty and elligance of that lady

Noor's p.o.v

"Assalam ualikum "
I said as I reached to them

"Walaikum Assalam"
Said both my father and that lady

"This is the elder daughter in law of shah family and Saad's mother " said my father

"Oh so this is his mother "I thought to myself

"It's nice to meet you " I said putting a genuine smile on my face

"You are very beautiful I see " she said to me

"Not mare than you um..." "you can call me mom as you are going to be my daughter in law ," my smile became a fake one as i heard the word daughter in law but i tried to keep my face normal "and thankyou for your compliment "
She said with a smile on her face

"Well I am here to meet you and take you with me for a talk , I have already asked your parents for permission and now I want to know yours "
She said very politely making her even more attractive to me ( not in a wrong way) her each and everything was elegant

"If mama and papa said yes then I also agree "
I said faking a smile

"Great ! Then give your bag to your dad and come with me . I will drop you home at about 6pm-6:30 pm if that is alright with you ? I have already taken your clothes you can change in the washroom when we reach the hotel "

"Ok . It all good with me " I said as I smiled (faked)

"Great lets go then and you will meet Saad at about 5 pm today "

"Alright "

Author's p.o.v

Noor and her mom (mil) reached the hotel and Noor changed her clothes
It was about 1:20 pm at the moment

They sat on a table and started talking

Noor's p.o.v

"So what did you want to talk about ?"

"It is about this marriage, I know you are also not happy and neither is Saad . Well getting married at a young age is no new thing in Shah family. I got married to Saad's father when I was 15 and he was 16 so did Saad's dadi maa got married at 15 while his dada jaan was 17 , his dada jaan is currently in England and will be here in afew days after finishing his work their ."

"Oh! Well can I ask a Question ?"

"Yah sure ask whatever you want to "

"So why did you guys choose me for Saad, I mean I am sure there are many way better girls out here in Pakistan and England is even better ?"

"Well his dadi told me to choose a girl about three months ago for him , I never liked any girl I saw even in or out of the family. But I saw you a week ago at the park you were there with your siblings I guess, the way you cared for them and when you were kind to the other kids whom you did not even know at all , it all just impressed me and on top you are beautiful aswell "

"Oh, then ?"

"Then I suggested you to her (dadi maa )as I saw your father there aswell and recognised him as a business friend
Well maan ji liked you and said yes"

"Oh well Saad does not have any female cousin that you guys could get him married to ? I mean no age fellow of his ? "

"There are two cousins one is maternal and one paternal, he is not close to Hadia who is his maternal cousin but is close to Minahil hi paternal cousin. She is his chahu's eldest daughter "

"Why not her then ?"

"Her name was suggested first but maan ji (mom but here used for mother in law ) did not agree and she did not give any reason aswell"

"Oh okay , well ummm..."

"No don't hesitate, ask anything you want to take me as a friend "

"No it's nothing important "

"Oh alright "

Now there was an awkward silence between me and her for afew moments
I decided to break it
"So um how big is your family overall ?"

"Well first maa ji and abu ji then they have three children first daughter and then two sons
I am the wife of elder son
Me and him have three children Saad(14) , Sohail (8 yr old) , and Sobia (10 yr old)
Then their chachu have 3 kids aswell Minahil (14) Faris (12) Ayesha (7)
And the eldest daughter has 4 children Rabia (18) Talha(15) Hina(13) and Ahmad(9)
Both brothers live together and sister lives in Italy with her family and kids"

"Woah that is alot "

Me and mom both smiled
I looked at my watch and it was already 2 pm
Me and mom decided to order food as we both were humhry while talking to each other about random stuff

                            Saad's p.o.v

I came downstairs after playing on my ps5 for about 3 hours straight and chatting a little with Minahil
I searched for my mama jaan but couldn't find her and now I asked Minahil to do the same which she did
Then suddenly dadi jaan came from ither room asked us what were we doing

"I am trying go find mama jaan , I don't see her here . Where is she ?"

"Oh she will be back in the evening, she has went to meet Noor and have a talk with her "

Upon hearing Noor's name I could see Minahil's face getting dull
I don't like the fact that just her name makes my friend upset which makes me dislike her even more
But wait why did mama went when I told her that I will meet that freak??

"You will also meet Noor but in evening " said dadi maa as she left the room
She again answered my Question with even me asking her the Question
How does she do that ??
From the corner of my eyes I saw Minahil going to her room


                    1098 words

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