Talha's diary

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Things were now good for both Noor and Saad but how could Minahil bear it ? Just one day she saw both happy with each other and now she is filled with jealousy .

After last night Noor and Saad were in the best of happiness. Noor was still just thinking about how he woke up in the middle of the night so just that Noor didn't have to wash bloodstained clothes and he didn't even get angry that Noor stained his clothes.

Everyone was having dinner and even today Saad didn't let Noor do any work that much as he could. Noor was silently eating her food when she suddenly felt a touch on her thighs. She looked down and it was Saad . He had his left hand on her thighs slowly caressing them .

Noor was in shock as this was unexpected for her . She looked at him but luckily everyone was focused on their food except Minahil . She had noticed Noor's expressions and Saad's smirk which was weird for her and she decided to see what was going on .

Minahil looked from under the table and sawthat Saad was caressing Noor's thighs as Noor was trying to stop him and suddenly Saad held Noor's hand into his intertwining fingers. Seeing this Minahil was furious she wanted to hurt Noor really badly as this was the first time that Saad was being so close to another girl .
Luckily Dadi maa noticed Minahil's expressions and followed her gaze and she also witnessed what she was seeing and became happy that finally Noor and Saad were good together

"Saad can you please help me with some work after dinner ?"
Said Minahil trying to get his attention and dadi maa also understood that why was she doing it

"What kind of work Minahil?" Asked dadi maa
"It is some school work" "but the new sessions haven't started yet"
Said Noor

"And I didn't ask your opinion" "Minahil" said Saad trying to stop her from saying anything rude to Noor

"What Saad why do you suddenly care about her ?" "Minahil I ... you know what she is my wife afterall so basically I wouldn't hear anything against her or neither would I tolerate anyone being rude to her . I am sure that I have made it clear"

Everyone including Minahil were shocked at Saad's statement as till two days ago he didn't care how someone acted to Noor but now he was ready to fight everyone

"You have changed Saad very badly" saying this she left and dadi maa looked at Saad proudly as she was happy that now he was doing what he was supposed to

In the bedroom 9 pm

"To be honest I think you were rude to her Saad" " and what about how she talked to you Noor ? Was that right?"
Said Saad as they both sat on the bed and Saad held Noor's hands into his caressing her hands back with his thumb

"No it wasn't Saad but it isn't easy for her either suddenly all your attention is off of her . Well this is what I wanted but I didn't want you to be rude to her" "ok I will try next time but for now can we please not talk about her but us hmm ?"

Said Saad as he also jumped onto the the bed under the blanket with her "alright sir"
Said Noor as she and him started to cuddle

"So did you ever had a boyfriend?" "Umm no , what about you ?"

"Well I did have a girlfriend" "seriously ?" "Yah when I was in kindergarten"
Said Saad as he laughed looking at Noor's expressions

"Well someone must have proposed to you I mean my wife is beautiful so it would've been hard for boys to not to look"
"Well correct I have gotten many proposals and do you know that one of the boys who proposed to me was -"

Before Noor could complete her sentence someone nocked on the door . "Come in"said Saad as he and Noor got out of the cuddling position

It was Saad's younger brother "what do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to bhabi not you" "yes tell me"
Said Noor sweetly

"See bhai that is how a human being is supposed to talk" "yah yah , now talk fast and go"
Saad's brother just needed some help with his homework and he lft the room in about 25-30 minutes

"Finally he is gone" Noor smiled as Saad said with the happiest face ever and went and locked the door to his room

"Well, you were saying something" " yah I was but umm ... I think I forgot what it was" "no worries tell me later"

Saad got onto bed on now they both cuddled to sleep . Well Noor fell asleep bu Saad was still awake in his own thoughts
"I am so lucky to have you Noor " he thought as he he moved his fingers through her hairs

"You are the first person that I am able to share my feelings with , I do not feel that you will judge me or maybe think of me as stupid . I can share anything with you without a filter . You forsure are the best thing that happened to me . I love you" Saad whispered into to her ears even though she was sleeping and then he gave her a peck on her forehead pulled her close and he also went to sleep

Next day

Minahil was with dadi maa and she had told her to help her get some things from the attic . Now Minahil and dadi maa were sitting on bed going through the things while still the only thing inside Minahil's head was how to get revenge but her eyes fell on a diary

She remembered it was Talha's diary that he used to keep near him all the time as a kid . She opened the diary and started to red it but she didn't find anything interesting when she decided to change the page last time and saw Noor's full name written with a heart on top and she started to read it

"Dear diary today I have realised that I like Noor very much , shall I propose to her ?"

"Dear diary today I finally proposed to Noor and you know she said to me tha-" before Minahil could read further she saw that Saad had snatched the diary from her hands reading it himself

Minahil felt happy inside as now Saad would go and burst on Noor as she hadn't read the full paragraph so she thought that Noor might have said yes
Minahil kept looking on Saad's face for a bad reaction


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