🐇Banban x Skyelle | Mascot | Request🐇

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This is a request I got from a lovely follower of mine who has been with all my stories from the beginning and I wanted to make this One-Shot special for you 😊 Enjoy~




Working at a kindergarten... What does that seem like to others? Teaching 6-year-olds colors, shapes, the alphabet- anything that's easy.

Well...not for Sky.
She isn't the ordinary kindergarten teacher teaching kids simple things. Skyelle works on the more confidential matters of the building. At first, it was the scary but somewhat annoying routine of going way underneath the building -as that's where these matters are held- and meeting Banban face to face. She's a scientist hired to "help" create Banban; the main mascot for the kindergarten. The other main mascots were not revealed to her at the time she applied.

Banban wasn't...He wasn't the brightest guy. He was a bit odd-looking at first too; pure red skin, mouth held agape with his tongue lolled out, party hats on his head, and a tail. being held in captivity, he learned to act cold. With the way he's treated after the major incident, it makes sense why he doesn't care what happens to him anymore...

Banban's POV:

The past few months have been a blur. Nothing interesting is happening, nor anything exciting. Nothing is making my life better. It's the same routine every day of every hour; forcefully woken up by a blaring speaker, tested on, told what to do, then returned to my 'holding cell' I hear the ones working here call it. Supposedly, I'm not human, nor was I ever. It was made artificially by the workers and was meant for children.

Until one causality...

I couldn't help it...
I can't remember the last time I was given food since the incident...
I was introduced to the children for the first time so, of course, I was nervous...

They called it 'Bring-a-Friend Day'. I guess I was that friend. I didn't know an 'upper level' even existed. When I was introduced to a few of the children...that's when it happened...

I hurt her...

I didn't mean to...
One wanted to hold my hand. I freaked out and ripped her arm out of its socket...There was screaming, yelling, blood...

The next time I was allowed to go back to the 'upper level' after they were sure I wouldn't pull a stunt like that again...I did it again...

But worse.

I was trusted with a child and left alone. She showed me drawings she made of herself and me. We were just fine! She told me I was her favorite. Then she went on and told me why. She wasn't paying attention... I don't understand what happened to me to cause that...

I got hungry again. In that moment. I got aggressive...

I don't remember what happened but I remember the blood-curdling screams that came from the little girl. She had a life ahead of her...

And I took it.

"Okay, PAUSE." Skyelle looks at me with wide eyes. "You did WHAT? How is that even possible? And they told you this?"

"Pretty much.." I Look down away from her gaze and at my hands in my lap. It's a bit awkward sitting down with my legs crossed and Sky mirroring me.

"Hey...It's okay... I don't think of you as a bad guy. You're still you." She says warmly with a smile. She brings a hand towards me and cuffs my cheek in her hand. " It was an accident, Ban. Don't let what the others say make you feel down about it."

"It is my fault, Sky! Don't you get it? I'm a monster... And I've managed to prove it..." I take her hand off of me, afraid I'll end up hurting her. She scoots closer.

"No, you're not Banban..." She looks at me with sympathy.

"Adam." I shoot her a glare.

"That doesn't matter at the moment. What matters is realizing that it's not your fault. You didn't mean to cause those two girls harm. It was an accident. Don't beat yourself up over it." She tilts her head.

Her gentle voice somehow always gets to me, and my accented voice gets her just the same.

"You can continue... I am the one who interrupted you." Sky tells me gently.

"Right..." I start, "They told me after the incident that I had 'changed form' and attacked her. Once I woke up from the 'trance' I was somehow in, I remember nothing but blood all over my hands, mouth, the room...her..." My voice shakes.

"What...exactly did you do to her...?"

I inhale. "They told me I...bit her and ripped her open...then ate her...pancreas.." I admit. I remember it all too...not when I attacked her but the horrors I caused and stared at. "They made me seem like a wild animal.."

Sky covers her mouth. "Oh my god..."

"I'm a monster! I know! It makes me sick just thinking about it. I feel worse knowing I took a child's life..."

Skyelle stands up. I look up at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of it to happen. It just...happened." I look away from her and back at my hands in my lap, still seeing the horror of the child's blood on my hands. 'I don't know what happened to me that day I just got so hungry and something inside me just-"

Before I knew it, her hand was under my chin, her thumb rubbing the side of my cheek and her gentle voice soothing me. "Banban, it's okay, I'm not mad at you or scared, It's okay."

I smile up at her.  "Yeah sorry, it's just, being kept here for so long and not having anyone to talk to makes you rant to the first person that listens to you."

She kisses my head. "Well that's what I'm here for; to listen and talk to you." Her hand releases from my face. "Sorry but, It's close to the time I have to leave your cell, everyone thinks if I'm in here too long you'll go all crazy and try to eat me." She attempts to make a joke out of the situation. "I'll be back tomorrow though!" She spins around and heads to the door. "See ya, Banban, and remember," She looked at me one last time before exiting my cell, " You're not a monster, and no one's gonna shut you out."

Is this fluff? Probably not. I'm not good at these but whatever I'll get the hang of it.

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