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(Daisy) <—— Hi Stace! What are you doing rn?
                     Thinking about Luke😍 <——(Stacy)

(Daisy) <—— I'm sorry if this offends you, but this whole Luke thing seems like an obsession at this point.

           What are you talking about? <——(Stacy)

(Daisy) ——> You talk about him all the time. Nothing else. You know his birthday, time of birth, full name, entire family tree, etc, and your wallpaper is Luke.

                                 Lmao no it isn't <——(Stacy)

(Daisy) ——> Stacy, be honest please.

    Ugh fine he's my wallpaper. So what?? <——(Stacy)

(Daisy) ——> He's going through a lot right now. You know that I love you and you're an amazing friend to me but Luke is my friend as well and I care about him a bunch too. Please just don't try to make a move on him. He's still getting over the loss of Zander and over the disappearance of Hailey.

             Honestly those two sucked. He should have already gotten over them. <—— (Stacy)

(Daisy) ——> First of all, they were best friends since grade 2 and Zander was literally his boyfriend. He's always going to miss them. I miss them, too. The entire music club does. Second of all, they didn't suck. They were amazing people and my friends.

                Oh my god, Daisy, they were assholes. Especially Zander. And I'm glad Hailey        is  dead,  she was obviously trying to make a move on Luke! <—— (Stacy)

(Daisy) ——> Hailey could still be alive, you don't know anything about what happened.

                         Whatever I'm still glad that Hailey is gone for now <——(Stacy)


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