Chapter One: Going To The Rescue

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The sky is in the shade of dark blue that's twinkling with stars like diamonds and the moon shone like a bright crystal. At the center the town, the people had started to head back towards their homes, the grownups had gotten back from work and the children had started to head home. Some birds could be heard calling in the sky and flying off in the depths of the town. A few feet away, little kids played tag in the center of the city's park before they were called by their parents. The only pedestrians were a few families enjoying the late evening.
The sound of the engine of a dark blue and yellow highlighted Ducati 848 Sport Bike can be heard as its rider was driving on a moderate half speed to their destination. The figure looked up while her eyes glowed a bright blue. She was really hoping that she would finally get some peace and quiet from the life of the city. She's in too deep of her anxiety, but her father told her that maybe she should go to a town called Jasper, Nevada to get away from the city. She tried to deny the offer, but he insisted and wanted the best for her. She really couldn't say no to her father and told him to wish her luck. Her name is Audra Falco. She arrived at the place after a few more minutes and went to the gas station to refuel. She chose a random number on the gasoline dispenser and started to refuel her motorcycle.
She took off her helmet and revealed her features; She is tall and slim, but she has hidden strength within her. She has long, wavy sandy-blonde hair that's highlighted in starlight silver and brilliant gold. Her striking eyes could shame a pair of blue sapphires with little effort, but seems to be glowing. Her fair skin is lightly tanned from her time in the sun. She's wearing a blue and green striped shirt and her dark blue jeans are folded at her dark brown combat boots. Though, her only accessory is a simple silvery chain necklace and it had an orb like-shape; its shades can be described as the galaxy, a mixture of hues such as cyan, aquamarine, sapphire, and a hint of emerald.
Audra Valiente is one of those very few teens who don't care about their social life and understands the world better. For years, she is incredibly kind and has a soft spot for kids and animals, since she can be a babysitter sometimes and took part in an animal shelter. Audra is very selfless to the ones she loves and will forever be loyal to them. Audra's grades were high and she is a strong fanfic writer. She enjoys reading fantasy novels and adventure books that have gotten her to work at the library as one of the assistants there, but she hates war and violence. Though, she doesn't take very kindly to when boys flirt with her.
She glanced around her new home and took notice that the place looks nice enough for a drive around. The sound of a car honking and the sound of a wolf whistle irked her deeply. She glanced with an annoyed light in her eyes to see a teenage boy with ginger orange hair and was eyeing her up and down.
"Hey, babe! Want to have some fun on my ride?" He suggested, but she knew the meaning of it, so she just chose to ignore him.
She just scoffed and paid for the gasoline before getting on her motorcycle before turning the engine on and drove off. She could clearly hear the teen following her before she was stopped by the red light. She stopped and waited patiently for the light to turn green before her body tensed as she noticed the ginger-haired male was beside her bike. She also saw that a familiar raven haired teen was beside her on her left on a blue, black, and pink highlighted ZX motorcycle.
"Hey, what's the rush, sweetheart?" The ginger-haired teen asked desperately, which was getting on her nerves.
Audra tried her best not to snap at him and continued ignoring him. But the fierce look in her eyes clearly said otherwise. She growled behind her helmet as she gripped the gas knob tightly in annoyance, which made the boy took notice of.
"Vince, leave her alone will ya?" The raven haired teen warned the ginger-haired teen, who gave the newcomer an annoyed look. "She looks ready to knock the lights out of you."
The ginger-haired boy — Vince — gave the familiar raven-haired teen a sneer before the light turned green and he drove off. She sighed softly in relief and gave the familiar black-haired teen a nod of thanks before igniting the engine of her motorcycle and drove off in another direction while the boy and the motorcycle to go somewhere.
After following the road signs marking where the trail is, she soon reached a forest and see dark green trees looming over her. Zooming through the trail, Audra hit the hills and zoomed through the sandy earth. As she continue to drive, the once thick trees start to thin out and up ahead, she was surprised to see a massive crater in the ground and came to an immediate stop at the top of the ledge, gazing at it curiously.
Then her breath was stolen from her lungs as she stared, awestruck, at the sight that awaited her, her eyes wide and mouth open. Growing out of the rocky and sandy earth were great, ginormous conglomerations of glittering, blue, crystal-like formations. Their stunning hue illuminated the entire room. They almost looked to her like huge mounds of sapphire, or aquamarine gemstones, but they couldn't be — not with the bright, otherworldly luminescence emanating from their forms. She let out an impressed whistle at the unique and foreign sight.
Audra hummed thoughtfully when she suddenly saw something glowing in the midst of the crystals. She dismounted her motorcycle and tied it to her tree. She carefully slid down into the vein and started looking around carefully. As she looked around, Audra thought she saw something lighting up near her.
She flinched back instinctively when she saw single crystal radiating with bright blueish-white light. When it had sensed her presence, it seemed to glow twice as brightly and started sparkling like a close up star. But she suddenly felt the ground gave away underneath her and total darkness covered her eyes.

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