Chapter Three: A Secret Family

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As the sun rises, it had casted golden beams of light upon the Nevada desert. The people of Jasper had started getting ready to start their day. The sound of the birds could be heard in the morning. The adults had started heading towards nearby markets or started heading towards work. The teenagers had started working their morning jobs or meeting up with each other. While the kids had started helping their parents, playing with their older siblings or playing with their pets.
But at Audra's house, Jack was talking with Cliffjumper (who's in his holoform again) in the living room while Audra was setting the table for breakfast and another holoform of a woman cooking breakfast for the two kids. Silversun's holoform looks like a beautiful yet strong young woman, with wavy caramel blonde hair streaked in silver and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a silver shirt with folded sleeves and beige pants that stops at her brown combat boots. Silversun quickly gained her cover name, "Solana" from Jack. The kids didn't know how Silversun learned how to cook human meals, but she was pretty good at cooking. After they finished eating breakfast, Cliffjumper had noticed that Jack seemed more quiet than usual while Audra was empathetic and concerned.
Jack's eyes glimmered with something sad and Audra's heart ached as she remembered Jack's heartbroken story of his late father and his late twin brother.
"Jack... I don't know what you've been through, but closing yourself off from feeling... won't help anyone." Cliffjumper clearly acknowledged that Jack must get this emotional turmoil off his chest. "I can see it. You're holding in many emotions at once and it's hurting you. You have to let people know what you're feeling and why. It's the only way to stop the pain you're feeling. It doesn't have to be me, but it has to be someone."
"Jack." The mentioned boy glanced at Audra, whose eyes were filled with compassion and empathy as she gazed at him. "You've been holding this off for too long. You must let yourself recover from your grief and pain."
Jack stared at them in surprise before turning away in thought. After a moment, Jack sighed sadly as his thoughts were gained. He looked at him, his eyes filled with pain as they glistened in the light. Cliffjumper looked at him, worry beginning to enter his systems. "My Dad puts everything on the line to save others, then you know the only normal that you are going to have is the PTSD that follows..." Jack let out a rough sigh, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
Silversun gasped and Cliffjumper was stunned, they each heard his words while Audra remained silent. "He didn't..."
"No." Jack shuddered, but stopped when Audra gently placed a hand on his shoulder and calmed him down. "He... He was after a dangerous gang that used to hang around Jasper... a few years back..." Jack's voice shook with raw emotion and his body wracked with silent sobs. "They didn't have any guns... mostly just baseball bats and really big, slow weapons... He brought most of them down with a couple other officers... but the leader pulled a knife out, and went to kill one of the other officers... Dad... Dad pushed him out of the way... And w-w-was stabbed and k-k-killed." The bots' sparks and Audra's heart ached at the horrible revelation. Cliff's eyes shut as the words pierced him, inside he felt his spark twist in sadness. "And with no siblings or cousins, my mother is the only biological family I have left."
Everyone remained respectfully quiet, and Jack quickly wiped away his tears. Once the teen did that, Cliffjumper spoke up softly. "You must have been very close."
Jack gave a small, but shy smile and looked up Cliffjumper. "Yeah, we were... He was actually a lot li-like Optimus." Cliffjumper's brows raised, not expecting Jack to say that of all things. Jack smiled up at Cliffjumper, cheeks tinted a slight red from embarassment. "It's true, I swear! He... He always put others ahead of himself, and did whatever he could if someone was in need of help..." Jack had stopped crying and swiped away the last few tears on his face. "S-Sorry, didn't m-mean to do that."
"There is no need for you to be sorry, Jack." Cliffjumper gently pulled him into a hug, comforting him and making sure all of Jack's grief came out of his system.
Once Jack calmed down, the small group jumped in place when they heard Jack's phone ringing. He answered the phone and the caller was Rafael.
"Hey Raf," said Jack. But he soon gained a confused look. "No, I was in the clinic after my unexpected beat up with Vince. What street race?" As Raf responds to Jack's question and the black-haired boy looked startled. "I swore off street racing after it took away my twin brother from me and my mother." The two disguised Autobots exchanged startled and sympathetic looks while Audra watched him mournfully. "I was picked up by a family friend of mine from school and stayed at her place with two of her Cybertronian friends." Jack listened to the call keenly. "Okay." He glanced over to Cliffjumper, Silversun, and Audra questioningly. They each nodded to his unspoken question. "We'll come over." He hung up and sighed wearily.
"I guess we're meeting Team Prime today, huh?" Audra smiled softly, curious and eager to meet the small team of Autobots. Jack nodded and the two Autobots both smiled, excited to join (or rejoin) Team Prime.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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