Chapter Twelve

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"Hurry up," Kenneth says, passing by my door with a box.

I look at the necklace again. It's got a locket that has a picture of me and Ava in it. Both of us look so happy. I trace the outline of the cursive letters on each side: C and A.

Tears well up in my eyes. I throw it into a ziploc bag and put it in my pocket. I'm not ready to let her go yet. I just need closure.

I go out of my room, wiping my eyes. "Ken?"

"Yeah, honey?" he says, still bent over, moving all the books from the shelf into a box.

"Can I pop over to Ava's really quick? I've packed everything."

"Of course. Just be back by noon, alright?"

"Yeah," I say quietly, and go downstairs. I tie my sneakers and order Cocoa to stay on the couch with Spruce.

I walk across the street to Ava's house, a small cottage with a garden in front. Her mom opens the door before I can even knock and I see Ava on the couch, reading a book.

"Um.. Hi-"

Ava looks up, sees me, and immediately her face shuts down. A shadow falls over her eyes. "Hello," she says coldly.

"Can we talk?"

She rolls her eyes, puts her book down, gets up, and follows me back outside. We stand in the garden, the sun crawling out from behind a big, fluffy cloud.

"What do you want?" she asks.

"I just.. Are you sure you don't want any contact with me anymore?"


"I love you. I still love you. And I found this locket in my old room." I hold up the necklace.

"Keep it," she says, her voice cold and brittle. Then her tone softens slightly. "You'll be fine without me. I'm sure you and that boy will-"

"I wasn't cheating on you," I reply sharply. "Sernie is my best friend of over ten years. I'm bound to hang out with him. It was a one-time thing."

"I can't believe this," she whispers.

"You can't still be mad at me for something that you didn't understand. It's not my fault you were toxic to me."

"So did you find anyone new yet?"

I hesitate. "I met a girl, but I don't know what we are yet."

She raises a skeptical eyebrow. "So quick to replace me?"

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

"Fair enough."

"Bye, then." I let out a breath.

"See you around." She closes the door and I go back home.

I open the door, flop onto my bed, and spend all night crying into a pillow.

25 June, 3:37am

4-Leaf Clover <3: hi

Cameron: ...

4-Leaf Clover <3: u ok?

Cameron: ava doesn't want any contact w. me

4-Leaf Clover <3: who's ava?

Cameron: she broke up with me the day before u and i met because i missed a date to meet up with my bsf of 10y & she thought i was cheating on her

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