Chapter 30

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"So tell me what's going on?" Charlotte asked Noelle once they were in the privacy of her apartment.

"What did Momma tell you?" Noelle asked her. She knew Charlotte was aware of some things already and she didn't want to repeat it all again.

"That you had found your mate and had gone home with him," Charlotte responded. She sat down on the couch and motioned for Noelle to sit down next to her, then wrapped her arm around her.

That wasn't at all vague. Noelle sighed and told Charlotte everything. She wondered how many more times she would have to repeat it. She wanted to forget about Alex and focus on Nick. She was in tears by the time she was done, her heart broken again by what he'd done to her. Every time she told the story, she was again flooded by hurt, and betrayal. She hated it and at some point she was going to be done.

Charlotte pulled her close and let her cry. She'd been through enough heartache when she'd first met Caleb, that she could somewhat understand what Noelle was going through. But Caleb hadn't been married to another woman. Nor had he rejected her.

Noelle finally pulled back, getting a hold of herself. She wanted to stop thinking about Alex, but it was hard when everyone kept asking. She couldn't blame them though. She knew it was because they cared. She sighed, ready to change the subject. Maybe she should announce that she was now mated to Nick. Then everyone could be happy for her again. "You know how I'm supposed to be moving into an apartment this week?"

Charlotte nodded. "I do. Do you think you're ready to move into your own place? Given what's happened?"

"No, but I don't have a choice. Momma needs the room for the twins, and she's running out of time," Noelle said quietly. She needed to get the nursery set up. Noelle highly doubted Jenna would carry those pups to full term. "So I was wondering if I could just stay with you for now? Just temporarily."

"And then where will you go?" Charlotte asked her. "Will you move into your own apartment?"

Noelle sighed. Well Charlotte would be the first to know. "With my mate."

Charlotte's eyebrows shot up. "After all of that, you're going back to him?" She looked rather appalled. Noelle couldn't blame her.

"No, no. I need you to keep a secret for me. Just temporarily. Please." Noelle begged, taking Charlotte's hand in her own.

Charlotte frowned at her. "From Caleb."

"Yes. And my father. It's not a big deal, I just need some time." Noelle said. Asking her grandmother to keep a secret from both her mate and her son wasn't something she would appreciate, but Noelle wasn't ready to deal with more emotions right now.

"Okay." Charlotte agreed, though she didn't like it. She didn't keep things from Caleb. She couldn't. He always knew. But she'd try. Unless it was something she thought he needed to know.

"I've already found my second chance mate. It was.. unexpected and I am not sure I'm ready to dive into a relationship again so quickly." She looked down and swallowed, not wanting to see Charlotte's face at her announcement.

"What? Where did you find him?" Charlotte exclaimed. Of all the things she'd expected Noelle to say, that was NOT one of them. She didn't even think it had been twenty-four hours since Noelle had been rejected.

"He's here. In our pack," Noelle said softly.

Charlotte tipped her chin up, looking Noelle in the eye. "Who?"


Charlotte let go of her chin and her mouth dropped open. "Nick Seely?"

Noelle nodded and wrapped her arms around herself, waiting to see what Charlotte would say. It would probably give her an idea of how they'd all react, though she knew Nick had a special place in Charlotte's heart.

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