Me When I See Sus/Cringe (appropriate for anyone 10+)

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So I made this to show how I feel about sus/cringe in order
1. I feel disgusted and disappointed in humanity (especially if it's sus which unfortunately it is 90% of the time)
2. I literally scream loudly into a pillow with pure rage
3. I cry tears of sadness because WHY DOES THE SUS/CRINGE EXIST
4. I try my best to just acknowledge it's existence and move on with my life but sometimes it's ingrained into my brain and I can never forget

Also the art for number three is by "BleachedSoulReaper" on deviantart  but the rest I have no idea because they are all from picsart.

Also my picsart is @hiqwl_57 if you wanna tag me on there but my nickname thing on there is SunnyShineSans just so you know lol.

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