Chapter 11: Conquerer of the Vanquished!

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AN: I'm sorry it took so long to get this out, I was very busy with school and this might be one of my longest chapters ever so enjoy as the Conquerer of the Vanquished makes their revelation!

It was currently night now, so nobody was armed to see a bright light coming from an alleyway. From the light came Yuto covering his eyes with his arm. After it died down, Yuto looked around and, to his surprise, saw he was no longer at the docks.

"W-What the?" Yuto asked himself. "What happened? How did I...?"

He remembered he was standing in the warehouse with the girl that looked like Ruri and a guy that had his face.

"Was it a trick after all?" Yuto muttered.

He then felt something in his hands. Looking down Yuto sees the letter his look-a-like gave him before ending up here. Yuto was half tempted to toss it but decided to at least open it up to read it.

Dear Yuto

I hope that you're the one reading this letter and not someone else if you thought this was a trick and ditched it. I still plan to tell you everything about what's going on as promised, it's just that wouldn't be until later due to what just happened. Yes, I knew you would be teleported somewhere else, and I will also tell you why and how. I have put the address of my current residence at the bottom of the page. I also know you didn't come alone to this dimension, so find them and bring them with you. There's more to this war then what any of you thought.

Shiryu Busujima.

Yuto looked up and thought about what he read.

'Shiryu Busujima... just who are you?' Yuto thought.

He looked at the bottom to see the address, only for him to freeze and eyes to widened in shock.


Ruri is okay and no longer a captive of Academia.

Yuto simply stared at the footnote and reread it a few times, as if it a figment of his mind. It did not change in the slightest.

"Does that mean... Ruri is here after all...?" Yuto questioned. "I have to find the others!"

With that, Yuto immediately ran down the street to find his friends.

Back with Shiryu and the others, they agreed to head home for the night. After parting ways with Yuya and Yuzu, Shiryu told the sisters about what happened.

"Yuto is here?!" Ruri asked in surprise.

"That's right." Shiryu said with a nod. "He probably thought Yuzu was you."

"She was lucky." Serena said. "Pricks like them think that with money and connections, they can get away with anything."

"Preach it sister." Rin agreed.

If anyone knows about the rich using money and connections for their own greed, it's Rin. That's basically the Synchro Dimension as a whole.

"So where was he when we arrived?" Serena asked.

"Yuzu's bracelet kicked in and teleported him away before you all, or rather Yuya, arrived." Shiryu explained. "I was able to give him a letter just before that happened though."

"A letter?" Rin asked.

"Yeah." Shiryu said. "It had our address on it so he and how many friends that came with him can find us so we can talk."

"Don't you know who came with him?" Zarc asked.

(I do.) Shiryu answered. (Plus, that almost possible incident with Yuzu back at the docks never happened either. Granted the show was for a younger audience, but still.)

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