Lucy Nora

14 1 6

"it's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarves. daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world" - the best day by taylor swift


"Shhh you're going to wake her up!"

"Mom literally sent us up here to wake her up!"

"Noooo. Mom sent me to wake her up. You're supposed to be helping Dad."

"Oh whatever. Move!"

The voices drifted over to Lucy, pulling her from her sleep. She listened for a moment, before peeking open her eyes towards the voices.

Her cousins were practically shoving each other out of the way as they made their way over to her bed. Lucy fully opened her eyes. The cousins didn't even notice, too busy trying to be the one to wake her up. By the time they noticed, Lucy was already sitting up in bed.


"Happy Birthday!"

The two girls shouted at the same time, glaring at the other for speaking over them. Lucy looked them both over, a smile coming across her face. Her older cousins were practically her siblings, but nothing could compare to the sibling rivalry between the two of them.

They were twins, but people typically assumed Chase was older. Chase was a few inches taller than her sister, with pin straight dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Heath was shorter, with curly black hair and piercing blue eyes.

They looked nothing alike to Lucy, but they looked like someone's mashed together her aunt and uncle.

"How's it feel to finally be six?" Heath asked.

"I don't know. I feel the same as yesterday," Lucy looked around her body, frowning when she saw she looked the same as the day before as well.

"Maybe you'll feel it once we get the day going! Come on your mom asked we get you downstairs!" Chase started pulling Lucy out of bed towards the door.

The girls were nine, three years older than Lucy. Which seemed like a lot of years to Lucy, but her other cousins were even older. The next closest was her cousin Nathaniel, and even then he was almost eleven.

Lucy couldn't help but be excited. Her parents always made her birthdays some of the biggest celebrations she had ever seen. All her aunts, uncles, and cousins made it a huge party, full of food and laughter.

She rushed down the stairs behind Chase and Heath, only speeding up when she heard her fathers voice down the hall.

"Do we have some Graphorns running wild out there??"

She tried to outrun him, but he picked her up, laughter erupting from her as he tickled her sides.

"Hello princess, how are you doing on this completely normal day?"

"Dad!" Lucy managed to get out between giggles. "It's not a normal day!"

"No?" He scrunched his eyebrows, thinking. "Hmm I don't know. I can't think of anything. Can you love?"

Lucy looked over her fathers shoulder to see her mother standing there, hands on her hips, shaking her head.

"Sebastian Sallow if you don't put her down and finish in the kitchen I'm gonna hex you!" Lucy knew her mother was joking. Between the big smile on her face and the light tone she used, she knew her mother wasn't really mad.

Her father placed her down, Lucy taking no time to run over to her mother. She bent and picked Lucy up in one move.

"My, you certainly look six to me! Look at how much you've grown!" Her mothers grey eyes sparkled.

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