Luck of the Muggles

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"Ro look! A four leaf clover! You could use it honestly." Odette held a clover out to Rosalind. Rosalind gave Odette a puzzled look, but still grabbed the tiny plant out of Odette's outstretched fingers.

"Uh, thanks?" Rosalind examined the clover, not fully understandng why it was special. Shrugging, she stuck the clover in her mouth. She almost choked on the flower when she saw the shock on Odette's face.

"Have... what.. why..?"

"You handled me a clover? Do you not eat clovers?"

"Well I mean yeah you can.. but like four leaf clovers are lucky. I was giving it to you for luck."

Rosalind stared at the field of clovers around them, frowning at the delicate plants.

"Why would they be lucky? Is that an American thing? We literally have the ability to make liquid luck why would I need it from a plant?"

Odette threw her hands up exasperated. "No! It's an Irish thing! You're like right next to them how have you never heard of this?? You know they're lucky just like horseshoes, rabbits feet, ladybugs, like lucky charms?"

"Rabbits feet?? What the hell Dot that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. Why just the feet?"

"Ro you've literally traveled the entire globe how is this news to you? I've been hearing stories of tales of luck from my grandmother my whole life!"

Rosalind thought about her friend's grandmother. A short, frail looking French woman. When Rosalind had first met her, she felt the regal looking woman would look down on her, in her pants and her scars. But the woman was kind, wrapping her in a hug so tight it brought tears to her eyes.

"Wait, your grandmother?" Odette nodded absentmindedly as she continued to look through the field of clovers at her feet. "Dot you're literally from a muggle family."

Odette looked up to her, blinking slowly. "And?"

"We are beings who can literally make luck and emotions via potions. Did it never occur to you these 'lucky charms' are muggle superstitions?"

Rosalind felt like she could physically see the light snap on above Odette's head. She watched her friend throw her head back and laugh hysterically. Rosalind joined in with her.

"And here I was thinking you were the crazy one. I probably sounded like a lunatic ranting about those charms."

"Seriously. Why do so many of them have to do with animals feet??" That sent Odette into a wheezing fit, clutching her side as they rolled in the field with laughter.

"That is funky huh?" Odette managed to get the words through the laughs. They managed to calm down, after what felt like hours of looking at each other and sending the other into further laughing spells.

Rosalind and Odette continued to stare at the clouds moving in the sky as they calmed.

"If you had to pick," Odette started, "what would you say is the closest thing to a lucky charm for you in your life?"

Rosalind thought for a moment, thinking of the things in her life that she'd consider lucky. She reached her hand to her friend, interlacing her fingers with Odette's.

"You. You're my lucky charm Dot."

She could hear her friend trying, and failing, to silently cry at the rare emotional moment. Rosalind simply squeezed her hand tighter and felt Odette squeeze her hand back harder.

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