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-Who Saved The World-

The stinging in my neck and how weak I felt answered my questions on what had happened. I had been hit with a tranquilizer, most likely Jason or Bruce. I had become use to the feeling but this time my neck was a lot more sore, He must have hit me hard. I finally open my eyes looking around at my surroundings, I sit up. I was in a dark room on a bed, well tucked into a bed. What I could see of the room it seemed to be neatly organized and clean. My head was splitting and my mouth was so dry if i moved my lips I'm sure they would split. I pull myself from the warm bed stumbling around the dark room for a door, even a light would be nice. I finally find the knob and without think i twisted it opening the door. The Hall was cold and empty, the light stung causing me to draw back and squint my eyes.

I felt like death. I began down the long hall, Bruce and Jason wouldn't have left me! Had the other team gotten me? Where was I? So many questions, but the only thing i could think about right now was my head ache. If i could find some water and Motrin then I could address the bigger problems. The long hall lead into a large sitting room with a wide couch sitting in the middle. Tons of windows allowed the sun to shine in. It was beautiful but the light still hurt my eyes. Turning to my right I finally see an entryway to what looked like a kitchen. Finally.

I stumble in not even looking around, I head straight for the cabinets looking for a cup and some sort of pills that would help. Finally I come across a small bottle, I immediately open it popping two into my mouth. I usually can swallow a pill just fine. But i needed water this time with my dried out mouth. I look around finding the fridge and heading straight for it. Opening it I'm met with loads of food and drinks. Bingo! I smile grabbing a bottle of water and opening it quickly.

I lean back against the island as I chug the whole thing. "Do you usually welcome yourself into strangers kitchens?" A thick what sounded Russian accent said from behind me. My eyes grow widen as I turn around to see where the voice had come from. A rather pretty boy stood on the other side of the island with a smirk on his face. He had his arms crossed and his eyebrow cocked. His white almost silver hair was messy and the long sleeve navy blue shirt he wore was tight showing every curve of muscle. "I'm sorry, I don't really know where I am." I try to come up with an excuse for my actions. "I was really thirsty." I awkwardly smile holding up the empty bottle trying to avoid eye contact.

"Hm." Was all he muttered. He seemed to be looking over me like I wasn't what he expected. "You must be with the bat guy and red one." He finally stopped looking me up and down and settled to my face. "Batman and Redhood, you mean?" I cock an eyebrow. It was now I realized my mask was missing and I wasn't in my usual attire. The halter top was replaced with a T-shirt, I still had my cargo pants but everything in my pockets were gone along with my utility belt. Bruce is going to kill me!

"Where are they?" I finally look him in the eyes, I felt my stomach drop. They were beautiful icy blue, I felt like he could see almost every imperfection and scar on my face. I looked away quickly before the blush rising to my face was noticeable. "In the labs." His accent was so smooth and kind of attractive.

"Where that?" My cloudy mind was clearing and I needed to make sure Jason was okay! He rolled his eyes. "You're not allowed there."

"What? No I need to speak with Redhood now!" I demand finally looking back into his eyes angrily. He seemed a bit proud at the outburst he caused. "Sorry, I've been given orders to keep you out!" He smirks.

"What are they doing to them!" I demand. I felt my blood begin to boil. "Nothing." He seemed to not care at all. I was five seconds from crawling across this island and strangling him. I began to worry. What if they weren't okay? This was all my fault! If i had stayed away from that stupid black hole I wouldn't have pulled Jason and Bruce here! The worry on my face was beginning to show. "Your friends are fine. I Promise." He finally mutters seeming almost sincere. What seemed like a soft caring face quickly went back into a cocky smirk. "You're not as scary as they said you'd be."

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