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Shaheen was the only one with whom I could share my thoughts with! She was bae! I loved her for the way she supports and me and cares for me all the time! She was in the same school as Ashar was but both were kinda known enemies! She told me how he was in school shy but bold,had respect for girls,was a bit flirtish tho and stayed in good company! But shaheen hated him for teasing her all the time haha!

I woke up at around 10 in the morning and that was an hour late than my usual timing!, I realized I was fuckin late and I rushed towards the shower and got ready in the next 30 minutes!

All night Ashar kept running in my mind! He became the reason for me to have a sleepless night! Why was his existence so important to me? Why?

I called up Shaheen to know whether she went to university today? She answered my call saying that she is unwell and she can't make it today! I had to be alone today, no one to be with and talk to! I promised Shaheen to make it to her house while returning from the university and I drove off there!

I reached my class! I was happy to know that I did not miss PROF.ABRAR'S lecture! He taught us physics and was indeed a very great and knowledgeable prof. I always enjoyed his class!

I saw Ashar sitting on the 3rd bench! He looked at me with humbleness and gave a smile! It just kinda made my morning but remembering last night I did not smile back and took my seat next to another classmate!

Ashar constantly kept staring at me but I kept my eyes off him!, Because I would have melted looking at him! And I really did not want that to happen.

Soon the lecture ended and I headed towards the cafeteria! Ashar came following me towards the cafe! He called out my name thrice but I ignored!

Suddenly he came running towards me and held my hand and pulled me back saying,"I'm sorry humera! I was too busy last night! I had my cousins come over and was with them! My phone was in my room all the time! When I checked it,I was shocked to see your missed calls and msgs but it was too late to reply! I'm so sorry"!

I did not accept his apology thinking that he is.making all wague excuses! I finished with the lectures and drove off to shaheen's home!

Shaheen was one hell of a cute person! She was too happy to see me at her place! We went and sat in the lawn outside her house.
Spending time with her was like a daily chores you see.....
I told her everything that happened last night! She just smiled and said,"Humera idk about you but this is the first time I have seen Ashar showing so much care for a girl! He really adores and loves spending time with you! So just forgive and forget."

I thought over what shaheen said! I drove back home! My mom was sitting on the couch and I went and sat beside her cuddling her! She asked me about my university! And I told her about Ashar and my feelings for him! She just said that"Don't forget your lifetime goals for a person who you arent sure of being with for life! Either run both parallel or choose one!

Her words just hit my mind! I was again in a puzzled situation heading towards another sleepless night!

We say what people do for love,Its about what love does to people.

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