I may be dead, but my love for you isn't

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IOTS au!(I may get the teammates wrong so.. ja)

This is the day of Noah death! I don't watch total drama much but all I know is the TD characters..(and reboot and some other characters ig)

That means I don't really know who's Noah's other teammates so bare with me please.

Noah's Team:


That's all I would add since I don't know.. y'all might say that this isn't the same AU of it but this is just my point of view of who Noah would be with and what'll happen. I don't know much about the AU so ja.

Owen won't probably leave him but he got forced by Duncan y'all already know the drill, So enjoy!!

Noah,Duncan,Owen, Alejandro and Tyler were walking in the woods at night, they were you could say... Lost.

Lost at the middle of the woods, they had ran out of food and decided to go to the woods to look for some. Noah disagreed but he still had to go. Sadly.

As the five boys walk around the woods Noah and Duncan had been arguing of which direction they should go.

Until Duncan had snapped and told everyone to leave Noah because he was a "loner"

Owen first disagreed but was immediately forced by Duncan.

A couple of minutes passed and there Noah was inside the woods. Alone.

He walked and walked hoping he was getting closer to the camp but.. he wasn't.

After walking he heard some noises on one of the trees, he figured it was just an owl. Nothing to be scared of.

He again began to walk but he felt someone grab him they tied a rope on his neck and hang him on one of the tree branch.

After loosing some air he could no longer breath nor did he have a heartbeat.(not fully sure on this information)

The killer then took Noah's body stabbing him with a knife close to his shoulder.

After doing that he threw his body on the water that was near them, there the water had turned red.

Duncan's POV

After leaving Noah in the woods I've felt a bit... Guilt and regret..

But.. who cares? That's what he gets for arguing with me. Plus it is true that he's a loner.

I sighed and as me,Owen,Tyler and Alejandro head back to the camp.

There everyone was gathered close to the fire looking.. worried.

Cody: you guys are back! What a relief.. where's Noah?

As soon as Cody asked them question I looked at him nervous and so did the others.

Duncan: o-oh.. uh he said that he will be back any m-minute.. don't worry..!

Cody: a-alright.. did he tell you guys were he's going to?

Duncan: w-well No! He did not tell us, t-that's his problem if he gets lost!

Cody: you guys were the one with him. And yet you didn't convince him to stay? We've lost enough campers and yet you guys DIDN'T CARE IF NOAH WOULD ACTUALLY GET FUCKING KILLED?

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Cody yelled at the four.

Owen: C-Cody.. I didn't w-want t-to leave Noah but D-Duncan forced u-us..

"Right guys..?" Owen said with a soft voice, Tyler and Alejandro nodded with agreement as I stood there. Nervous.

Cody: Duncan you only fucking care for yourself. You fucking piece of shit. One day you'll regret doing this and soon karma will reach out to you.

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