Episode 1

115 1 0

Its 1999

The world are facing natual disasters.

Meanwhile on a summer camp in Japan.

There are 8 kids:

Taichi "Tai" Yagami. Asta Yagami. Sora Takenouchi. Yamato "Matt" Ishida. Koshiro "Izzy" Izumi. Mimi Tachikawa. Takeru "TK" Takaishi. and Jo "Joe" Kido.

During this summer day, suddenly it starts to snow.

Tai: Huh? Whats that?

Tai asks.

Asta: Whats what?

Tais cousin Asta asks.

Tai: Its snowing brother...

Sora: He's right...

Izzy: But its summer...

Matt: Recently there is a natural disaster on the news. So it wouldn't surprise me that we got one day of snow during a summer here.

Mimi: But still, we should head back to the others.

Then the snow falling turns into a giant snow storm and everyone are looking for a small house for shelter there.

Taichi: There! There is an abandoned house!

Joe: Lets go!

When they go, TK trips and Matt and Asta are the first one to react.

Matt: Takeru! I'm co-

Asta: I got you TK, lets go.

Asta helped TK up and brings him inside the house.

Matt: ...

They wait until the snowstorm is over.

Asta goes outside to check.

Asta: Guys. The storm is over! We can go outside!

They go outside and Mimi complains that its cold.

Mimi: Brrrr.... Its cold...

Meanwhile Izzy tried to communicate to their teachers from their camp but no signal. Then the kids there see Polar lights.

Sora: Polar lights!

And Asta gets stars in his eyes.

Asta: Cool!!! *Stars in his eyes* Are we in North pole?

Izzy: No. Asta. We are still in Japan. And also polar lights shouldn't be here in Japan...

Then 8 meteors comes out from the polar lights.

Izzy: And also why did they turn into meteorites?!


The kids panicks and run away. Then they go towards the meteors, where they landed. And then 8 small objects comes out of it and each of it flies towards the kids. When they grab these objects and looks at it, its a small communication-device-looking thing.

TK: W-What are those?

Joe: A handy? Out of a meteor?

Matt: Strange...

Then a big tsunami comes.

Tai: Take cover! Here is a tsunami!

Sora: RUN AWAY!!!

But the tsunami quickly catches them and then the kids gets absorbed by this.

Later Tai wakes up in a jungle.

Tai: Where am I?

???: Tai? Brother is that you?

Tai: Huh? Asta?

Digimon Adventure 1, Asta and TaiWhere stories live. Discover now