Interlude II

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"What are you doing big brother ?"

You rested your head on the older Othonos's shoulder, trying to read the open book in his hands. You were only six and haven't fully learnt how to read yet. Both of you were seated under a blooming plum tree, hiding in its shadow from the sun.

"It's a book about military tactics."

The ten year old Adrastos respond calmly, flipping through the next page of his book.

"What is a military tactic ?"

You asked with genuine interest. You loved your brother a lot, he always played with you when nobody else would and was always patient with you. Adrastos looked back up from his book to you with a smile and patted your head with gentleness that not even your mother had ever done or tried.

"It's when-"

"It's when a bunch of cool people fight each other for their nations !"

A loud voice interrupted your brother, he looked a bit annoyed by the interruption but still tried to keep a smile in front of you.
You both looked up from where the voice came from, a boy with fluffy brown hair and beautiful ember eyes sat on of the branches of the plum tree. He looked the same age as your brother.

"Atalanta, get down from there ! Or you'll get hurt !"

Your brother shouted at his friend.

"That is so cool ! Can you teach me how to climb up there to, Atalanta ?"

"No ! Don't try and repeat his actions [name] ! Look at what you've done now, you're corrupting my sister !"

Your brother angrily pointed at Atalanta who only stuck out his tongue in a taunting manner which only angered your brother more. The three of you continued playing around in the garden, mostly you and Atalanta. Your brother had his nose in his books only when Atalanta would challenge him or make snarky comments then would he join you, mostly chasing the brunette around.

When Atalanta had to go back home, you would read together with your brother. He taught you how to read faster than any of your instructors or teachers.

"Always mover forward, don't look behind..."

You were currently on Adrastos bed, reading the book out loud with him.

"But what if somebody is hurt."

You ask while snuggling up to the pillow you were holding. Atalanta stayed silent for a few seconds before responding.

"Sometimes, you will have to exchange the life of one person to save ten more. It's a fair price."

"That is still to cruel, what if that person was somebody you liked a lot."

The [hair color] haired boy closed his book and sighed.

"An idiot would only do that."

"What if it was me, would you choose me ?"

You innocently asked. Your older brother froze for a bit. He looked down, not wanting to meet your radiant [eye color] eyes. He took a huge inspiration before looking back at you with a somewhat strained smile.

"How about I read you some fairy tales."

You little self quickly forgot about your previous question and now got up and jumped up and down on the bed.

"Yes ! Yes ! Yes !"

"Calm down, let me pick a book..."

These were the found memories you cherished, you wonder how everything changed so quickly. One day, you're playing hide and seek with your brother and Atalanta. The next, Adastros is ignoring you, Atalanta has to train but you always see him still making time to play with and talk with Adrastos. Only when you try and join them, they were busy.

Your mother has started to watch you every move and control them.

How did everything, changed so fast...

"Hello !"

You could hardly breathe, it took all your strength and energy to look up where that voice came from.

"I am Von, l'est be friends."

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The picture above is what Atalanta looked like when he was 9

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