Author's Note

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Last autumn, during a trip to the Scottish highlands, I visited Glencoe and learned a little about the history of the place, in particular the story of Clans MacDonald and Campbell.

This story centres on the real events that occurred in Glencoe in the winter of 1691-1692. I have attempted to retell the story of Alasdair MacDonald and his family in a way that balances fact and fiction.

That being said, I am a writer, not an historian. This story is based on true events, but it is a fictitious retelling. It therefore contains elements that have either been embellished or altered for the sake of creating a good story, or are simply the product of my own ignorance. If Braveheart could win the Academy Award for best picture taking this approach, then I can publish this novella on Wattpad and hope that you as a reader will humour me.

I plan on writing further notes to explain exactly what in this story is known to be true, but for the sake of those who do not know the story of Clan MacDonald of Glencoe, I will leave them until the very end.

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