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Meera's pov...

As today is my birthday so I firstly went to the temple and did the maha Pooja feed as many people as I could in the way.

I love to donate as much as I could as God made me capable of doing so.

I don't consider these people as outsiders. They all are my family and I can do anything for them.

I spent the whole day with the people of my kingdom knowing about their issues and problems insuring them about the resolutions.

After the charity I went to the palace again.

It was just the time of dinner. So I directly went towards the dining room and saw my family was sitting there waiting for me to arrive. As this is a family rule that we can't start eating until everyone arrives to the table until and unless there is some kind of emergency.

I sat on my regular chair then the workers started serving everyone.

The environment was tensed today which was unusual. But I don't want to ruin everyone's mood so I stayed silent and had my dinner quietly.

After dinner I went to my father's chamber.
My mother was also there. They were discussing about something but as soon as they saw me they changed the topic.

Something is definitely wrong and I need to know that

I sat in front of my mom and dad.

" Meera baisa aap yaha vo bhi is samay sab khairiyat to hai na" my dad asked with concern in his tone.

( Princess Meera you are here and that too at this time. Is everything ok?)

" You tell me dad. Is everything ok?"

" What are you talking about child"

" I know. You are hiding something from me. Tell me is there something I need to know." I asked and looked at him while he just shook his head in denial but suddenly my mom interrupted in between.

" We can't hide it from her for too long. She will get to know it today or tomorrow. " She said looking at my dad

" But..." He tried to stop her

" Tell me mom "

She looked at me and took a deep breath trying to find words. My heart was beating furiously thinking about the worst scenario.

Suddenly she broke the silence.

" He is back..." These were the only word came out from her mouth and I could practically feel a lump formed in her throat.

I gulped down and asked " who "

" Abhimanyu Singh Shekhawat, the king of Mewar. He is back for the revenge. The revenge of the defeat in the last war. He sent a letter to us this morning."

" And?"

" He warned us about the war "

" Is our army ready for the war." I asked.

" There is one more thing"

" It's not the right time to tell her ranisa." My father interjected.

" It is the right time only Rana sa."

" Mom, don't make me wait any longer. Please tell me what's the actual matter."

" Abhimanyu has a condition to avoid the war."

" And what's that? "

" Marriage. A contract marriage of you and him"

I was blown away. My face turned pale.

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