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I went to my room to sleep but sleep seemed to be far from my eyes. Even after trying for a long time, when I could not sleep, I sat on the bed and started reading a book.

Then suddenly I heard a knock on the gate and felt some movement.

I thought it was my illusion but again there was a knock on the gate and father's voice was heard. I quickly went and opened the gate and moved aside signalling father to come inside.

If he has come so late at night, there must be some important work.

Thinking this I went and sat on the sofa near my father.

Looking at him I asked - "Father, how did you come so late at night, is everything alright?"

He looked at me with hopeful eyes and said - "I have found a solution to avoid this problem?"

I looked at him with surprise and asked - "And what is that?"

"My child, you agreed to this marriage because you had to save people's lives and that is why you did not think about yourself even once. But why don't we do something such that the snake dies and the stick also does not break."

I held his hand and asked - "But how is this possible?"

"I have just sent an order to all the neighbouring states in the emergency that whoever comes forward to help Marwar in this difficult time, we will get him married to our daughter, i.e. you. I am sure that by tomorrow morning we will definitely get some good news. I will definitely not let my only daughter get married to that demon, no matter how many tricks or conspiracies I have to make for this. You do not worry and go to sleep. "

"You think someone will come forward to help us."

"We cannot predict the future. We can only hope and it is said that the world is based on hope, the rest is God's will." He stood up and hugged me before leaving.

As soon as he left, I closed the door again and started pacing my room.

O goddess Bhavani, do everything well, your devotees need you, Goddess, keep your blessings on us. I do not want to see any more bloodshed.

After praying to the Goddess, I lay down on the bed and somehow finally I fell asleep.

Due to the movement, I woke up early in the morning as if I had not slept the whole night. After doing my daily chores, I went to my father's room to know if there was any positive response to our offer or not.

Commander Shukra was also sitting there. Seeing me coming in, he stood up to salute me. I also smiled a little seeing him.

"Father, any good news?" I spoke directly about the matter because there was no time to talk in a roundabout way.

"Child, we had sent letters to many states but till now no reply has come from anywhere. It seems as if no one is ready to raise voice against Mewar."

I pressed his hand gently to console him and said - "Commander Shukra, if we fight the war with our remaining army, what will be the result of this."

Commander Shukra made a sad face towards me and said - "Baisa, if we still do not retreat from this war and fight, then by this afternoon or at the most by this evening our entire army will be martyred and Marwar will be destroyed."

"I think now the time has come to write a letter to Rana Abhimanyu."

"But..." My father tried to interrupt.

"No ifs or buts now. "

Suddenly a soldier came running into the room and my father said in irritation - "Is it not visible that there is an important matter going on and you could not have come inside after informing me."

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