7. again cold JK 🧊

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Days passes like this nothing much change in between tae and jungkook

But now only thing that have changed is tae's behavior he is scared of jungkook

At first jungkook tried to get close with him but after some days he did forgot about it because tae did still care about him

He think that no matter what he done with him at the end he will forgive him

And of course his so called MaLe eGo

Tae did preparing breakfast for everyone expect himself because at the end he have to eat left over food

Rina: mom tomorrow is parents teacher meeting

Jk: tomorrow I have meeting, I can't go to your school

Rina and yunguk: dad pls

Jk: sorry kiddo I can't, well tae can you attend the parents teacher meeting

Yunguk: but-

Jk: guk rina is there any problem

Rina and guk: abb no

Actually yunguk and rina don't want tae to come in school because they think tae is not cool like other kid's mother

Tae didn't said a word and just standing there like a stone statue

Rina: dad I will tell our teacher that you can't come

Jk: no we cannot skip parent teacher meeting like this tae will go

After sometime

Kids went for school and jungkook left for his office ,

Everyone see him staying at mansion all the time but no one see he did all house chors

People only see that he get married to rich Mr jeon but no one see he did stayed with jungkook when have nothing at all

Sometimes tae did cry because of all this but he never complain to anyone

He accept that it's his fate he can not do anything about it now

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