2 // Tini

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I put Stella back in her crib as I went to wake the boys up. I walked into Ricky's room first.

I turned the lights on. "Ricky." I whispered as I sat next to his bed. I stroked his head. "Ricky, time to wake up." I said a little louder this time.

Ricky's eyes slowly opened. "Good morning, Tini." He sleepily said. I smiled and pulled him up.

"Good morning. Put some clothes on and then there's breakfast downstairs, okay?" Ricky nodded and got out of bed. I ruffled his hair and then went to wake his brother up.

I followed the same routine with Lukas. I helped Lukas put his clothes on and then he ran downstairs. I got Stella and followed her brothers downstairs. I put her in her highchair and sat down where I previously sat.

"Tini?" I looked over to Ricky who was eating his bread. "Can you do my hair later? Olga used to do it, but she isn't here yet." I nodded with a smile.

"Of course. But first, finish breakfast." I looked over at Lukas who was staring at his food. "Is there something wrong, Lukas?"

He looked up. "You do my hair, too?" He asked with a sad face. I ruffled his hair.

"Of course I will."


The kids ran towards the car. I pushed Stella's baby carriage in front of me. "Tini. Why don't you open the door?" Ricky asked. I frowned.

"Don't you guys ever walk to school?" I asked Ricky and Lukas. They both shook their head.

"Daddy's driver always takes us." I sighed. "But we can walk today." Ricky said. He took hold of Lukas's hand and then walked a head of me.

After five minutes, Lukas started to whine. "It is so far, Tini!" He complained. I rolled my eyes. Jorge spoils them way too much, I can already tell.

I laughed. "Lukas, we're nearly there." I told him. It was probably another hundred meters.

"Hey, that's Julian!" Lukas said. I frowned and looked at who Lukas was pointing. "Julian!" Lukas began waving at the boy. The little boy looked up and also began waving.

"His best friend." Ricky explained. Julian made his mother stop walking and waited for us to reach them.

When we reached them, Lukas let go of Ricky's hand and walked together with Julian. His mother came over to me. "I'm Geneviève." She said.

I shook her hand. "I'm Martina." I started walking after the boys again. "Lukas, be careful please."

"Are you their mother?" Geneviève asked. I looked at her with wide eyes and nearly choked on my spit.

"No, no, uh, I'm their nanny." I said. Stella began to whine in the baby carriage. "Ricky, keep an eye on your brother, yeah?" He nodded. I quickly looked through Stella's baby bag. I found her pacifer and carefully put in her mouth. "See? All good."

"Well, you sure act like their mother." Geneviève commented. I looked at her. "That's a good thing. What their mother did is just terrible." I nodded in agreement.

We walked through the gates of the school where a bunch of other kids and their parents were saying goodbye to each other. The boys walked over to me.

"Alright, I'll see you two after school." They each gave me a hug. "Be good, okay?" They nodded.

"Uncle Ruggi!" With a frown I turned around. The boys ran towards a man with dark hair and a little beard. "Auntie Mechi!"

"What are you doing here?" Ricky questioned. I walked over to them with Stella still lying in her baby carriage.

"We were on our way to your house, but then we saw you here." The man explained. The boys nodded. They saw some of their friends and went to play with them.

"So you must be the nanny." The woman said. I nodded. "Hi. I'm Mercedes. Or Mechi. Whatever you like best." We shook hands.

"Martina, but please call me Tini." I also shook the man's hand, who introduced himself as Ruggero. "Oh, you're Jorge's best friend!"

"That's me. The one and only." Mercedes was also standing behind a baby carriage. I quickly took a look. "That's Alexa."

"She's really cute." I complimented. Mercedes and Ruggero smiled. Ruggero took a look at his phone.

"Jorge wants me at the office." He quickly kissed Mercedes and pulled me in a quick hug. He then kissed Alexa's forehead and then also Stella's. "I'll see you tonight."

When Ruggero was gone, Mercedes turned to me. "Shall we go to Jorge's house? To get to know each other?" She asked.

"Yes, I'd love too." We walked away from the school.

"Where did you park the car?" Mercedes asked after we walked for a bit. I frowned. Really?

"Uh, we walked here." I told her. Was it really that strange to walk to school? Mercedes looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"You finally got those boys to walk to school?" She asked. I nodded as response. "Stephie used to have Roberto drive them." Mercedes shook her head.


We were sitting in the kitchen, talking about ourselves. Mechi put her hand on top of mine. "If you ever need help with the kids, you can always call. You know, when you're starting to show."

I looked at her with wide eyes. "Yo- You know?" Mechi nodded. "But, how?" How did everyone know?

Mechi smiled at me. "I helped Jorge pick out a nanny. When we called for more information on you, they told us you were pregnant." She explained.

"Did-, did Jorge still want to hire me when he found out? Him and I briefly talked about it, but,"

"Tini." Mechi interrupted me. "If you're asking if he started to hesitate: no. Being honest with you, it was Ruggero and I who hestitated. But Jorge for some reason really wanted you."

We heard a door close behind us. An older looking woman walked in with a trolley behind her. "Mechi, good morning." She greeted. "And you must be the new nanny. I'm Olga." Olga came over and pulled me in a hug.

"Ti-," I wanted to introduce me, but Olga interupted me.

"Oh, I know. Señor Jorge told me everything about you that was in your file." She went to unpack the grocery's.

"Oh, okay." Mechi smiled at me and wiggled his eyebrows. "He wanted me to tell you that he was hoping to be back by seven." Olga nodded in response.

Not much later I heard Stella's cries through the house. Mechi stood up with me. "Are you leaving already?" She nodded.

"We can maybe go out for coffee tomorrow?" She suggested. I nodded. She gave me a quick hug and then took Alexa's baby carriage and left.

I went towards the living room and got Stella out of her play box.

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