11 / Jorge

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"Tini, what are you doing?" I asked her with a chuckle. She frowned as she turned to me.

"I'm going to bed. What does it look like to you?" I chuckled again. I reached my hand out to her. She took it with a confused look on her face. "Jorge, what are you doing?"

"Taking you to bed." I walked her to my bedroom. I closed the door behind us. I jumped on the bed and layed on my back.

Tini uncomfortably shifted from one leg to another. I motioned her over. "Come on, you had no problem napping here." I winked at her.

Tini sat down at the end of the bed with a sigh, "I know." I carefully pulled her down next to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my hand on her stomach.

"What's on your mind?" I asked her.

Tini sighed again. "I love being here with you and with your kids. And our baby. And everything is so perfect now."

I kissed her temple. "But?"

"I'm so scared that will be ruined. I'm afraid Peter will come back and that he'll take the baby. Or that Stephie will come back and will take the kids away. And,-"

I spun her around and pressed my lips to hers. "Are you done now?" I asked her with a smile. She nodded. "Good. If Peter ever dares to come near you or the baby, I'll take care of that. And if Stephie decides to come back, she can be in their lives, but she will never take them away."

I kissed Tini's forehead. "I promise." Tini smiled at me. She turned back around and wrapped my arms around her again.

"I love you." She mumbled. I stroked her cheek as I looked down at her.

"I love you, too." I kissed her cheek once again. I softly rubbed her stomach. "I love you both." I whispered. I let out a yawn and closed my eyes.


"Daddy! Tini!" I felt something fall on my chest. Someone shook my shoulder. "Daddy!"

I opened one of my eyes and saw Lukas sitting on my chest. "Luke, be quiet. Where is Ricky?"

Lukas layed down in between Tini and I and cuddled up to her. "I'm here!" Ricky walked into the room with Stella in his arms. I sat up very quickly. "Don't worry, dad. I'm being careful." He placed Stella in my arms. Ricky jumped on the bed and layed down next to Lukas.

"Tini, are you up?" I heard Lukas whisper. I looked over and saw how Lukas carefully shook Tini's shoulder.

"Lukas, please let her sleep, yeah? Why are you even here?" I asked as I put Stella's dummy back in her mouth.

"We want a family cuddle! Just like we used to do with mommy on Saturdays!" Lukas said. He turned back to Tini, who was now wide awake. "Tini!" He wrapped his small arms around her neck.

"Good morning, guys."

"Time for cuddles!" Lukas pulled Tini and Ricky close to him. I chuckled. "Daddy come on! Cuddle us!" He dramatically said.

I carefull placed Stella in between her brothers and cuddled up to Ricky. "Are you ready for your game today?"

Ricky nodded. "Yes. Can we go do something after that? Like have a picnick at the park?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll ask Olga to-," Tini cleared her throat, "what?"

"Olga has a day off." Tini sat up in the bed. Lukas went to sit on her lap. "I could make some sandwiches and I believe Olga baked a cake yesterday. We could take that."

I smiled at Tini. She really is amazing. I was snapped out of my thoughts by one of Lukas' many questions, "Tini, why do you have a bump on your belly?"

Lukas sat on Tini's lap and was facing her. He had his hand on her stomach. "That's a baby. And he or she will come out in a few months." Tini explained.

Lukas went to lay on his stomach and faced Tini's. "Hi, baby," Tini and I both chuckled, "how are you in there? I'm Lukas and I'm sure you and I will be best buddies!"

Ricky also chuckled. "It can't hear you." Lukas sat up with a pout and crossed his arms.

"Yes, it can. Right, Tini?" Lukas looked up at Tini. She nodded and ruffled his hair. "See? Our brother or sister can hear me when I talk to it."

Tini's eyes widened as Lukas sat that. I expected Ricky to make a comment about how it's not their brother or sister but that comment never came. He sat there and smiled, "yeah, maybe he or she can."

I smiled and pulled them all in a hug again. Lukas giggled. "Daddy! Let me breathe!" He dramatically fell on the bed.

Stella was laying on the bed and tried to clap her hands. I took her on my lap and clapped her hands together.


Ricky ran towards the dressing rooms. "Daddy, hurry! We'll be late." I was holding Tini's hand and pushed Stella's pram with the other.

Right and we were like half an hour early. "Go get him dressed. I'll take Stella and Lukas." Tini said with a laugh.

"Alright," I pecked her lips, "I'll be back in a bit. He's probably all dressed already." I kissed Tini again and then followed Ricky into the dressing room.

I walked into dressing room five and saw Ricky sitting on a bench as he sat there in full soccer gear. He only needed his shirt and needed to tie his shoe laces.

He put his feet up to me. "Tie them, dad." I raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms. Ricky sighed. "Please tie my shoe laces, dad."

"See, that wasn't that hard now was it?" I crouched down and began to tie his shoe laces.


"Did you see that? I scored!" Ricky came walking of the field with a big smile on his face. Tini gave him a high-five.

"You were awesome!" Tini said as she wrapped an arm around Ricky. "You're really good!" She complimented.

"Martina? Is that you?" We all turned around and saw a redhead with curls standing there.

"Candelaria!" She walked over to the girl and hugged her. "It's been so long! How's Maxi? And Facu?" I stood there confused as ever.

"Really good. Both of them." A little boy came over and stood next to the woman, whose name I learned is Candelaria. "Maxi, do you remember Martina?"

The little boy nodded his head. "Yes! You babysat me a lot! I miss having you as babysitter. I don't like the new one as much as I like you!"

Tini chuckled. Lukas came to stand next to Tini. "And who's this cutie?" Candelaria asked. Lukas hid himself behind Tini's leg.

"This Lukas. Lukas, say hi." Lukas quietly said hi. Ricky told me he was going to shower. I walked over with Stella's pram. "Cande, meet my boyfriend, Jorge. Jorge, this is one of my very best friends, Candelaria."

We shook hands. "You can call me Cande, though." I nodded. "Can I have a look?" She nodded her head over to the pram. I once again nodded.

She came over and looked at Stella. "Oh, she is adorable!" The little boy began to pull on arm. "Tini, call me sometime! We really need to catch up! Maxi, stop it."

"Yeah, we really need to catch up. Tell Facu I said hi!" Tini called after her as Candelaria was being pulled away from us.

"I will!"

"Does she know about your pregnancy?" I asked her. I wrapped an arm around her waist. Tini nodded.

"I lived with her and her husband and son when my parents sort of kicked me out. They were always there for me." She told me. "I feel so bad for not calling her for such a long time."

"Hey, don't worry. You have plenty of time to make up for that. And I don't think she's mad at you, she looked very happy for you."

Tini nodded. "Yeah, you're right." She put her head on my shoulder. We looked at Stella who was making bubbles with her mouth.

Yes, Fande is a thing in this story. And yes, their son is called Maxi (I had zero inspiration for names).
Also, a little Jortini loving in this chapter

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