8. embarrassed 😳

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The next day

Tae did attend the parents teacher meeting , other kid's mothers are there as well

They are showing off their expensive and branded clothes and stuffs

Where as tae he don't like to show off altho he can buy the whole school in 2 mins

Tae is just as simple as always but still he is looking pretty

Other kids are teasing rina and yunguk because their mother is normal and simple

They are feeling very embarrassed inforent of them , when those kids

Asked guk and rina that is he is their mother they are feeling embarrass

Because only tae is wearing a simple yet beautiful saree

Author: you both are ungrateful brats

Time skip

Taekook and their kids went to jungkook's parents house they invited them for family dinner

Kids told them jungkook what happened in school and he thought because of tae they were embarrassed in school

After they arrived at jungkook's parents house

Mrs jeon came and hugged jungkook and her grandchildrens

Mrs jeon: what happened kids you both are very silent today

Jk: nothing mom they are just after school and classes

Mrs jeon looked at tae

Mrs jeon: tae are you taking good care of them or not

Tae: yeah mom I am taking care of them

Mrs jeon: hmm, kids let's go inside

With that all of them went inside the house , the kids run away to the room of their grandparents

Tae know that because of what happened in school they are behaving like this

Mrs jeon: taehyung go and make coffee for us

Tae: abb okay mom

Mrs jeon: jungkook let's go to living room

Tae went to the kitchen to make coffee for them , he even did get some snacks for kids to lift up their mood

Hope you all like this chapter

Love you all


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