The Cars Outside

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It's amazing how one second, Minho felt like he was on top of the world. More than that, he felt like he'd ascended into heaven. Not just today, this entire month seemed to be going perfectly. Everything had been going as planned, it was as if nothing could go wrong. 

He drummed his fingers on his thigh, tapping out the rhythm of the song he'd been working choreography to earlier. The moves had flowed so easily during practice it was a miracle. Nothing could get him down now. 

"So," His manager, Seojun, began, the only other person in the car driving him back from a hair appointment. "What are your plans for the rest of the evening? You already had practice. You have the rest of the night off." 

"I don't know." Minho shrugged, resting his head back on the headrest. "Maybe I'll cook the members a bigger dinner tonight. I have time after all. Felix has been craving this Australian dish recently, I could try that." 

Seojun hummed and smiled. 

"What?" Minho snapped, furrowing his brow. 

"It's just that earlier some of Nmixx's staff were talking about how they were going to apply to work as Stray Kids staff but changed their minds because they're intimidated by you."

"So, why are you smiling?" 

"Because I said you had the appearance of a hedgehog. Slightly sharp on the outside, but a small cuddly creature on the inside." 

Minho rolled his eyes but managed a laugh. "Never heard that one before. Not sure if I should say thanks or be incredibly offended." 

"It was a compliment." Seojun assured him, though Minho just nodded and hummed skeptically. 

There was a lull of comfortable silence. After all, Seojun has known Minho since the time he joined the company. He was the one who accepted his audition. He'd changed his position after Stray Kids debuted - per Minho's request. Every other manager wasn't acceptable to the dancer. No one could fill the comfort that Seojun supplied. He had the members, and Chan was like his older brother. But Seojun was like his uncle - the one that would randomly sneak him snacks while on a diet or would drive him back from the studio when he accidentally stayed out far past curfew. And the one who would take an extra lap around the block when he'd fall asleep on those late rides back to the dorms. 

"So, what are your plans for the night since you don't have me to deal with." Minho asked, resting his elbow on the door and dropping his chin onto his fist. 

"So, you know how my wife is pregnant, right?" Minho watched the smile grow on his manager's face, and he couldn't help the bloom of happiness grow in his chest. His manager wasn't the smiliest person in the world but talking about his wife and soon-to-be-child made him look like he'd never frowned a day in his life. "Well, she's been having a lot of cravings lately - one of which is a meat plate from a really nice restaurant near her childhood home in Busan. I'm going to take a few days off next week and take her there but I'm going to tell her about it tonight. I also bought her a locket with a note I wrote in it. I'm going to give it to her tonight too. It's in my wallet, since there's room for it now that I spent all my money on that necklace and the little vacation." 

Minho laughed. "I bet she'll like it. If I ever get married, I'll have to ask your advice since you're clearly the expert." 

"I'm sure you'll get married. You already have about a million girls who would say yes if you so much as looked at them. You probably wouldn't even have to do that much." 

"Oh, I don't know about that. Appearance-wise, I could maybe pull someone. But personality-wise, I doubt it." 

"What?" Seojun looked genuinely offended. "Your personality is your best part, Min. You just told me you were going to use your night off to make a meal for Felix because he's missing Australian food. You've always struggled with self-esteem, but honestly, Min, you're one of the nicest guys I know. You're like my little brother." 

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