Unless You Pack Your Bags

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"HYUNG!" Changbin startled awake - or more accurately - violently shoved awake. Some giant Jisung sized shadow threw itself on top of him and started shaking him so badly he felt like he was in a washing machine during an earthquake. "HYUNG WAKE UP!" Jisung yelled into his face. 

"Geez, Sungie, let me breathe for a second." 

"Hyung, please!" 

Changbin rubbed his eyes, realizing the slight - maybe more than slight - terror in the younger rapper's voice. Jisung didn't usually act so enthusiastic and awake this early in the morning - he was much more a night owl - all of 3Racha was. He leaned over and clicked his lamp on, taking in Jisung's disheveled appearance and puffy red eyes. "Han? Were you crying?" 

"I don't know where Chan and Minho are, hyung. They're gone. No warning - nothing. I texted them and called them multiple times and they're not answering so I texted Daehyuk hyung and he isn't replying either. So, I checked their locations and Chan and Minho are both at the hospital!" 

Now it was Changbin's turn to shove Jisung; He accidently threw the young man off the bed as he jumped up. "Sorry, Ji." He offered the younger a hand up. 

"It's okay, hyung." Han nodded, biting his lips though there was still an obvious tremor to it even with it stuck between his teeth. "I'm worried. I woke Jeongin up on accident and he's calling Minho's manager, but he's not responding either." 

"Okay. Okay." Changbin ran a hand through his hair, staring off into space. He hated when he was left as the oldest member. He wasn't sure how Chan and Minho managed so often with several younger men looking up to them, but it was one role of being a hyung that Changbin wasn't used to - and didn't think he ever would be. In his biological family, he was the youngest. Suddenly become the oldest was always a shock to his system. "Alright, we're going to... we're going to call Chan one more time and call Daehyuk one more time. And if they don't answer... we'll... we'll decide what to do from there." 

"Okay." Han nodded. Changbin was pretty sure he could have said anything at this point with any varying level of confidence and Han would have followed his every word. The younger rapper looked so lost, he probably would have listened and obeyed any command given to him. 

"Come here." Changbin offered his arms and Han immediately latched on, burying his face into Changbin's neck. "I'm sure they're okay. If something really serious happened, I'm sure someone would have called us by now. Don't stress about it, Ji, everything is okay." Though, those words might have been more directed to himself. He really hoped Han couldn't hear his pounding heart, because to him, it sounded louder than any of their concerts ever before. 

"I got him, thanks." Chan nodded to Daehyuk, adjusting Minho on his back before fully straightening up. Minho winced, a soft moan disrupting his otherwise steady breathing, but he didn't wake up - much to Chan and their manager's relief. 

"I'll open the door for you." Daehyuk suggested, flipping through his heavy keyring and finally coming across the one for the boys' dorm. He pushed the key into the lock and twisted the door open. Immediately they were hit by a flood of six terrified younger members. 


"I called you a million times, hyung!"

"What happened?" 


"Chris, what the hell? We called you a ton."

"Is he okay?" Everyone went silent from Seungmin's comment and Chan froze, feeling Minho stirring on his back. 

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