Close the Windows, Lock the Doors

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I have been basically nonexistent for weeks... I'm so sorry. My work schedule has been absolutely insane and I'm working overtime because my aunt wants to go to Greece with me this summer and I literally get paid like crap. It's random but I'll keep you posted XD 


They were late. They were definitely going to be late. But did any of them care? To be honest, they didn't realize they were still idols that had to go to practice. Their entire world was the boy breaking down right before their eyes. The one who never cried. The one who wiped their tears and ever asked for the favor returned. The strong one. But the strong one was beaten down and was shattering in front of them on the floor. 

His cries were loud, desperate, and pained. The other people in the other nearby apartments could probably hear him. But the rest of the world didn't exist for the time being. All that existed was Minho and the pain he was in. 

Minho gagged on his tears, cutting off his cry into a choked heave. He tightened his grip on the leader's shirt, whining at the pain that radiated through his chest. The pain was everywhere and all-consuming. He wouldn't survive this. He shouldn't survive this. Not if Seojun couldn't survive it. It was only fair that this would kill him. 

"Lino, hun, you need to take a deep breath." Chan whispered, his lips brushing up against the dancer's ear. He tried to be as quiet and gentle as possible, but Minho flinched, pain ripping through his head and chest. He gagged again - it hurt so badly. "Aegi, you need to breathe, you're making yourself sick." 

"He's gone!" Minho screamed, hot tears flowing down his cheeks still. "It doesn't matter-" He was cut off by another gag and he pushed back away from the leader. At first, the gagging was just from the force at which he was crying, but he actually felt like he could throw up now. The world was spinning, and he was pretty sure he was spinning with it. He clapped both hands over his mouth and swallowed thickly. It made it worse, and he gagged again, ripping his hands away from his mouth as a little dribble of vomit spilled past his lips. 

"Okay. Okay." Chan nodded, looking at for someone to help. The rest of the members had just been frozen, but Seungmin immediately jumped into action, running for the box of tissues on the coffee table and kneeling beside Minho as he ripped out several at once. 

"Here, hyung." He offered, putting the tissues out for Minho to take. 

The dancer eyed the tissues, his lower lip trembling as a string of drool and vomit dripped onto the floor. His eyes got wider and Seungmin could see them fill up with tears before they fell fast. The tears were so thick they didn't even run down his cheeks, they just dripped onto the floor. His whole body started trembling, and the dancer's bland expression morphed back into absolute heartbreak and like a child, he hiccupped before crying again. Seungmin couldn't imagine the concussion was helping his emotions, but he didn't even know how to deal with a normal emotional Minho, much less whatever this was. 

"Shh, aegi." Chan reached out and wrapped his arms around Minho's waist, avoiding his chest area entirely. The younger slumped back against the elder's, curling up into him and burying his face against his shirt. 

Seungmin looked down at the tissues in his hand then at Chan who shook his head, clearly confused as to why the tissues were triggering the new wave of tears. The vocalist didn't want to give up though, he scooted closer and dabbed the tissues against Minho's cheek - the best he could at the angle he had. 

"Hyung." Seungmin whispered, glancing up at the leader. "What are we supposed to do? We can't just leave... even if we leave him with someone, I know I wouldn't be able to focus at practice today." 

Chan nodded, rubbing his hand up and down Minho's back and squeezing him tighter against his chest. He loved when Minho was cuddly. He rarely was with anyone besides Han - but Chan always tried to shoot his shot. He awaited the day Minho would willingly fall into his arms. He just didn't want this to be the reason. There was some sort of honor in it though - that when he was left with nothing and broken down, he would trust his only hyung to hold him and comfort him. Chan would accept that role whole-heartedly. "I'll call Daehyuk and see what he can do." 

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