Broken Glass

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We are on the last three days of the tour, and Gio has been ignoring me ever since the kiss. K hasn't
blatantly said anything about it, but she has been throwing hints out. Gio left yesterday and I have been making an effort to text her and get a response but still no response.

Me: gio!
Me: gio please!
Me: can we talk?
Me: call me
Me: call
Me: me
Me: gio call me
Me: call me when you get these!
Me: gio
Me: gio can we please talk? why are you mad at me?
Me: are you even mad at me? 🤨

*the next day*

The whole concrete and I go out to eat lunch at Hibachi. Before the chef comes everyone goes out side to finish smoking, Karrah and I stay behind. "k can you please, please, please text gio and see what she's up to? or better yet facetime her so i can see her face AND her hear her voice!" I say turning to karrah and shaking her shoulder violently. Without saying a word she facetimes Gio and asks her where she is. I snatched the phone from Karrah, "yo gio! can you text me please? what's going on?"
I say as she ends the call. I hand Karrah her phone back and bang my head on the table. The others come back around the corner and I notice an extra person with them, Gio. Everyone takes their seats and there happens to be an empty seat right in front of me that Gio takes. Through the whole lunch we don't talk but I can feel that the vibes are off between all three of us. The lunch ends and we start to walk out to head back to the tour bus. I noticed Gio is going another direction so I follow her. She heads towards her trunk while I grab her hand and try to talk to her. "Please talk to me", I say as she doesn't respond but I continue to talk anyways. "I thought we were on the same page about how we feel. If I didn't think we were on the same page i wouldn't have never kissed you and I apologize for that." I say. "Well I kissed you back so it's not completely your fault" she says as she closes the trunk and walks past me. "Exactly!" I say, "so why are YOU mad". "I'm not mad,
I just feel as if-" her sentence is cut short as I slip my tongue down her throat AGAIN. she drops her bags and puts her hands around my waist to pull me closer. She gives in while I push her against the car and start to kiss down her neck and back up to her lips. I feel her let go of the grip around my waist and move up to my face. I slide my hand down her sweats then around her thong. I put my hand in her thong and she pushes my hand farther down to her pussy. I slowly insert my fingers while she gasp for air in between our kiss. Continuously moving my hand inside and out for a few seconds as she moans in my ear. We are rudely interrupted by someone calling our names. "Angie, Gio, where are y'all? The bus is about to leave" Boat says as his voice is getting closer. She gasps again as I pull my  fingers out of her pussy and break the kiss. I quickly drop and start to pull things out of her bags pretending to put them back in. She follows my lead and we pick up the stuff as Boat rounds the car beside us. "What happened" he says and he drops down to pick up the things with us. "I didn't zip my stuff up right" she says as we all get up, grab the bags, and start walking to the bus. I help her put her bags under the bus when we tap kiss before finishing putting the bags up. We walk on the bus together as we hold hands and sit beside each other on the bus. Everyone side eyes us in confusion as Karrah smirks and gets back on her phone.

The tour bus drops us all off back at Boat's house and we help one another with all the bags and luggage we have. Gio's car got to the house before we did so we put our bags in her car. We get in her car but before we drive off she starts to roll a blunt. "Can you go in my glove box and give me papers?" She says, attempting to reach over me but doesn't succeed. I hand her the papers and she continues to roll up and spark. She starts to drive and we are almost at her apartment when she tries to hand me the blunt. "Here", she says, pushing the blunt in my direction. I decline and remember I have some of my edible rice crispy left in my purse. I eat the rest of it and then 10 minutes later we arrive at her apartment. We are both high as shit as we walk in the door and drop our bags right behind it. I go to sit on her couch but feel her tug on my hand pulling me back to her. " come here" she says, smirking and pushing me back against the island. She has a firm grip on my waist as I'm gripping her face kissing her. She doesn't let go of my waist but instead lifts me up on the island knocking over her flower vase. I look down in shock as she says "don't worry about it, I'll clean it up later". We continue kissing when she lets go of her grip and notices I'm tugging on her shirt suggesting to take it off. Trying not to break the passionate kiss I slowly start to lift up her shirt and feel on her breast. She moans in my mouth when I move my hands down her body. I finally take her shirt off and jump down from the island. We make our way into her bathroom and she starts to take all my clothes off to the point where I'm just in my lingerie. And before I knew it, she breaks the kiss and goes into the bathroom shutting the door. I'm left sitting on the edge of her bed alone in my lingerie. Then, I hear the shower start and the door automatically swings open revealing her naked body before my eyes. "Wow" I say, getting up and admiring her body with just my eyes first. We kiss more as she pulls me in the bathroom, shuts the door, and immediately takes my lingerie off. She hops in the water and I follows right after her. I push her hair back under the water to get it out of her face. She kisses me pull me closer to the water and turning us both around. We begin to kiss when she pushes me under the water admiring my body. With my tongue down her throat she begins to reach down and rub my clit. Moaning in her mouth while she continues to rub my clit and inserts her fingers. I moan louder and breathe heavier when she says " does this feel good". "Yes..." I say losing my breath before I could get the word out. "You want to go faster?", she goes faster and faster without my answer. While her fingers are inside of me she rubs my clit with her thumb." yess...oh my god....fuckkkk... gio" I moan rolling my eyes back and whispering in her ear. All of a sudden we hear her phone ring and it's Karrah. She quickly takes her finger out of my pussy and hops out the shower soaking wet to grab her phone. Fuck i say angrily in my head and go to turn off the water. Grabbing a towel and hopping out the shower I dry off and put my clothes back on. Walking into the kitchen seeing Gioin a rob on the phone "hang up" I say. She looks at me weird so I walk over to her and snatch her phone and hang up on Karrah. "Why the hell is she more important to you?" I say throwing her phone on the island. "What the fuck are you talking about?" "We were having fun and you let one phone call from Karrah ruin that! Why is she more important than me? Why when I call or text you it takes you hours to respond Gio?!" I say angrily. "Uhhh maybe because you're not my girlfriend, that's why!" WOW I say in my head as my expression changes. She notices I'm hurt by what she said tried to grab my hand,  I jerk it away and go to grab my bags. Opening the door I put my bags outside and try to close the door. "You know I didn't mean it like that" she says trying to keep the door open. "No. I know exactly how you meant it" slamming the door behind me, picking up my bags, and ordering an Uber back to Boats house.


WE JUST HIT 840 VIEWERS 🥳 I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying the book and I want to keep continuing to writing more chapters for y'all very soon! Thank you again ❤️

Listen I know it's been a while since the last chapter but bear with me. I'm trying to make the chapters a bit longer like an actual book and trying not to copying anyone's ideas toooo much.

hope you guys are enjoying so far and I please ask you guys to please......
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-give me some ideas and ALLAT 💭

🍀I want to make the chapters longer so please understand that, that will take some time 🍀

  (for the people who don't like reading about it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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