Chapter 3

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_____________Your POV____________
"(F/N), wake up!" You hear the familiar voice of Isabel shout. You quickly get up, and stretch a bit.
'Man, these mattresses are so hard to sleep on, I bet the floor is softer.' You think as you crack you back.
"Tch, hurry up!" Levi shouts out.
You then quickly put on the belts and make your way to the mess hall.
Levi, Farlan, and Isabel sit in the corner of the room. You make your way over and sit down with them.
"Tch, who said you could sit there?" Levi asks.
"Me." You said, leaving Levi speechless at your attitude towards him.
"Tch, your a bounty hunter, yet your sitting with criminals." Levi mutters.
"Your thugs, yet your in the Survey Corps." You shoot back, you and Levi having a glare match as you eat breakfast.
"Hey, black widow." You hear someone call out, but you ignore them.
"Hey, I'm talking to you!" They shout.
"Are you deaf, you stupid bitch!?" They shout behind you, and let's just say that was a bad move.
You quickly grab the male by the collar, while not looking at him, and pulled him down hard. This resulted in you hearing a satisfying 'crack' as his face hit the edge of the table.
Everyone now stopped making any noise as you quietly got up from your seat and made your way over to the boy that is on the floor groaning in pain as he clutched his face.
You then grab him by the collar again, forcing him to look in you (E/C) eyes.
"Now listen here and listen good, bitch. I don't take to kindly to those who insult me first thing in the god damn morning. So this is what your gonna do, your gonna get up and walk back to your seat, because if you don't, I won't hesitate to rip off you dick and give it to Ruthless as a new chew toy, is that clear?" You hiss and he nods his head frantically, you let him go, causing him to fall back on the ground.
"This goes for everybody else too! If I hear any of you talk shit about me or my new friends here." You say as you point to the three people behind you.
"You will suffer the rath of the black widow." You say threateningly, as everybody in the room nods.
You turn back around and sit down, enjoying the rest of your meal in peace.
____________Levi's POV____________
I sat quietly as I watched (F/N) threatens everybody in the room. As she sits down all I could think was 'She called us friends?'
"Tch, I don't rember saying that we were friends." I suddenly say to her.
"I don't remember asking." She shoots back.
'She is perfect for me.' I suddenly think, but I quickly brush it off.
"Hey (F/N)?" Isabel calls out.
"Yes?" She replies.
"Can I call you Big Sis?" Isabel asks almost causing me to choke on my food.
I look over to see how (F/N) would react, and I could believe my eyes.
She was smiling. She then brought up her hand, and began to gently rub Isabel's head, almost like a mother.
"Yeah, I would like that." She mutters as Isabel's face lit up with a smile.
"Thank you, Big Sis!" She exclaims.
After breakfast, we began training.
Me and (F/N) were training with the 3DMG.
We stood in our respective stances, as I held my blades differently, I look over and see that (F/N) had the same exact stance.
"Oi, do you want to get killed! Your holding your blades wrong!" I hear Flagon say as he marches our way towards us.
I was about to say something, when (F/N) interrupted me.
"Well, if we're gonna die either way, why not let us do what we think is most comfortable." She spits out at him, leaving both me and Flagon speechless.
'She took the words right out of my mouth.' I think.
Me and (F/N) get onto our stances, and then we fly through the woods.
I look beside me and see (F/N).
'Let's see how good you really are.' I think as I maneuver my way through the trees. I look beside me and still see (F/N) there.
'She really is as good as the rumours say.' I think.
Soon a titan dummy appears. Me and (F/N) slash through the nape perfectly at the same time.
We both continue to slice nape after nape.
When it was over, we both made our way back down.
"Wow, that was amazing, Big Sis!" I hear Isabel exclaim.
"I mean you and Levi were both in sync, it was like you two had a connection when fighting!" Isabel shouts.
"Tch, your good at the 3DMG, but are you good at hand-to-hand combat?" I asked.
"Heh, meet me on the training grounds if you want to see for yourself." She scoffs as she walks away.
'God, she really is perfect.' I think to myself again.
'Tch, what the hell am I thinking, remember the mission!' I scold myself as I walk over to the training fields for hand-to-hand combat.
When I got there I see (F/N) leaning against the wall, when she sees me she gets off and walk towards me.
____________Your POV_____________
You see Levi and walk towards him.
'I wonder if he is as good as a fight as the romour says he is?' I think to myself as he gets into a fighting position, you soon follow suit.
Levi and you begin to circle each other. Levi was the first to make a move, he lunges at you, trying to punch your stomach, but you dodge. You send a kick to his head, he blocks it. You then run up to him and try to punch his face, but he catches your fist, you being your other fist up to try and punch his face, but he catches that one. You smirk as he fell for your trap.
___________Levi's POV____________
As soon as I have both of her fists in my grasp, she smirks and says "Sorry Levi, but I hate losing."
I raise and eyebrown as to why she said this, but that is all explained as she headbutted me hard, and that was when I lost consciousness.

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