chapter 2 spruce

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The troll trio have just left Bergen town and are on their way to find the rest of Brozone.

"Operation family harmony is on and poppin!" Branch exclaims as his tail wags a little but he notices Poppy looking at him. "What?" He asks. "I just....well if I didn't know any better I'd almost say you were excited" She says giving him a sly smirk. "Uh it has nothing to do with my brothers" Branch tells her trying to deny it but in all honesty he was secretly excited but also a bit nervous so far John hasn't said anything about his new look but the same can't be said for his other brothers.

"All right,all right!" A certain voice echos the speakers as the two trolls look up in surpirse. "Tiny,Branch,Poppy,and this random dude-" "What?" John dory says confused at the extra passenger. "Are on another musical adventure filled with heart hilarity and happiness" Tiny tells everyone over the speaker and the three trolls head up to the drivers seat and low and behold Tiny Diamond was driving.

Normally a normal troll would freak out because Tiny is only a month old but glitter trolls oftentimes are born walking and talking like any other troll. It was some kind of evolutionary thing apparently though they still acted young and all that even if some did claim to be adults.

"Tiny! What are you doing here?" Poppy asks very confused and rightfully so. "Well aunt Poppy for your information I am no longer a baby. I am a big boy now,and I'm on a mansized rite of passage to learn lessons of life, courage and maybe love." He explains while Poppy coos at his cuteness as if he isn't a month old he may think he is a adult but there was plenty of stuff he had to learn and mature.

"Uh should we be letting a baby drive?" John dory asks rightfully worried,he really didn't want Rhonda to crash or anything even if she can mostly handle herself without much interference it's always good to be safe.

"Not to worry, fellow grownup.I have procured my learner's permit" Tiny explains waving off John's worries by showing a very much fake ID with Tiny wearing a mustache.

"Who is Adulty McManface?" Poppy asks confused. "The better question is, are you a narc?" Tiny asks with a serious face and it causes John to snort in laughter while Poppy denies it, this kid was hilarious. He seems to have everything handled so he will leave him be for now he will check up on him often though as he only has a learners permit even if it was fake.

"Enough chitchat, Adulty McManface. Step on it!" John tells Tiny who happily complies. "Okay guys we need to find our brothers and fast. But don't worry old Branch has got it handled. All we have to do is follow the clues" He says revealing a clue board with all kinds of brozone stuff with a smirk while John wonders how he was able to that so fast.

"Wow. Check out your old outfits,puffy jackets,puka shell necklaces,denim tuxedos?!" She exclaims looking over each pic before noticing one and gasping. "Branch, did you have frosted tips?!" She asks she needs to know.

"Yeah it was an era" He says with a small smell as he reminisces the good times before....well the break up. Back then they were just having a good time being a boyband and John Dory's perfectionism wasn't as bad. "Oh and don't froget his perm" John tells Poppy who jumps on him and hold his face with her paws. "No way pictures or it didn't happen" she can't believe her boyfriend had a perm as a baby.

John quickly pulls out the pic with a sly smile "Look at you! You were so cute. I love it!" She says wanting to cry at how adorable he used to be. "But we had to pull the plug when he tried to frost his perm" John Dory says with a grimace. "Oh come on it was an era!" Branch says annoyed his tail flicking a few times while Poppy was gushing like crazy. He couldn't help it! He was just a baby at that time though he was glad it was stopped he could only imagine how that would have looked like.

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