Episode 13

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Walking up the stairs I feel a heaviness on my shoulders. It feels worse to know that there are other people dealing with this. His words play over and over in my head. I think he was trying to comfort me, let me know I'm not alone, but I don't feel better.

He didn't give me very many details but for the Moon Goddess to take the mates from his entire team, it must have been a mistake of monumental proportions. I wonder how knowledge of the curse was kept quiet. If a single person in the Kingdom caught even a whiff of it, they would spread it like wildfire.

For years I've listened to she-wolves talk about the King, about how attractive he is, and how they would give anything to be mated to him. I can't imagine the strain of knowing that every woman you meet is hoping for you to be theirs while knowing that they are not. It would be incredibly lonely and frustrating.

Stepping into my hallway, I'm met with a pacing, worried Maggie. She's trending back and forth between my doors, her posture is tense.

"Mags?" my voice shakes.

I can't help but think about her incredible kindness, the way that she opened her arms to me immediately when we met. The times that we have talked about the King, her love and respect for him are obvious, even though he is responsible for her losing her mate forever. Her capacity for forgiveness is obviously beyond my comprehension. If I had the chance to let my wolf loose on the people that did this to me, they would rue the day.

When we make eye contact she freezes. Her lip wobbles and I can't hold back my tears.

Each of us makes quick strides, grabbing one another in a tight embrace. I know that she knows exactly what I'm feeling and now, I understand her.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper as she cries into my shoulder.

"I wanted to tell you but... even though it's been years, I still can't actually say the words. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. It's not something I would ever wish on anyone." She wipes her eyes with her sleeve.

A throat clears behind us, "sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor, Jo." Luke says stiffly. He doesn't look any different than any other day. There is no sadness or pity on his face. He is exactly himself, serious and wound uptight.

"Linc is allowing you to use the parlor if you would like."

"Who is it?"


My palms instantly start to sweat. I can't take any more bad news.

"I'll come with you, if you want," Maggie must be able to sense my nervousness.

I nod and we make our way to the parlor, wiping at our eyes before we see him.

When we step into the parlor he stands, his hair now a bright, almost glowing pink color.

"I thought you were the blue-haired hooligan?" my voice is devoid of any humor but I was attempting to joke.

He chuckles, "my little sister likes to color hair, I let her practice on me."

"I don't know if you were introduced the other day, this is Maggie," I gesture between them, "and this is Victor."

Pink flushes over her cheeks that matches his hair as he extends his hand to her. Something passes between them, a shared look and a small smile.

"It's a pleasure, Maggie," he holds her hand in his, shaking it much longer than necessary.

I look between the two of them. Interesting. I get the feeling that I'm on the outside of something between them. This is not the first time they've met.

Captivated, Cursed: Alpha Linc | 18+Where stories live. Discover now