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Weiss entered the cafe that she saw Ruby came into, hoping to see where she's been snooping to. As she followed the obnoxious trail of pedals, she came across the cafe tucked in a corner. The sign's elegant design spoke to her. 

Weiss: "Oh, the sign is cute! I wonder what she's doing here." As she walked towards the door she slowly opened it, being greeted with the smell of fresh ground coffee, baked goods, and what felt like good vibes all around. "Ruby, are you-" As she looked over she saw someone she haven't seen in so long. "Winter?!" As she looked over more she saw someone she hasn't seen in a very long time. "JAUNE?!" There was no real aggression in her voice, more along the lines of shock and surprise. 

Jaune: "Babygirl, please cover your ears." With that her eyes grew wide. To Weiss, she knew Jaune as a dork, but to hear him speak to a child like that. "Fuck my life."

Weiss noticed immediately the girl next to the register, lookin no more than 7. She giggled at hearing the request.  

Weiss: "Wait, I didn't mean to burst out, I'm sorry! I was just taken aback." She put her hands in a defensive manner.

Jaune scratched the back of his head.  

Jaune: "Sorry everyone, there is a bit of a event." He sighed. "Listen, if you'd like we can go outside and talk. " With that, RJ and Lily took over the front end while Jaune, Ruby, Weiss, and surprisingly Winter, went to the back. "Alright Weiss, ask your questions"

Weiss: She had a confused look upon her face. "Question? I was genuinely just looking for Ruby and was surprised when I saw my sister." Jaune and Ruby were both surprised. 

Ruby: "Seriously? No miss 'Jaune how dare you exist, blah blah blah'." Weiss' face turned red as she was embarassed.  "Huh, what do you know."

Weiss: "Hey, I understand being a rich brat was my motif, but I realized I was too harsh."  She sighed. "I'm sorry for being a dumbass Jaune, I did some self reflecting, and quite frankly, I was a cunt." Jaune and Ruby spit out their coffee.

Winter: "So he used to go to Beacon?" She said with a eyebrow raised. "If I may, what happen?"

Jaune: "Well, I know that it's been some time, but I will say fake transcripts." Winter's eyes went wide. "So Ozpin had to expel me and I was pretty much told I couldn't be a huntsman.  So I had my family help me and I opened the cafe shortly after. "

Weiss: "I wanted to ask, who was the cute girl at the register?"

Jaune: "Oh, that's my daughter, I adopted her after I found her abandoned on the streets." Winter and Weiss had their eyes opened wide. "So Lily works the register and helps around the shop when she likes.  We recruited my old friend RJ and well since you probably heard, Ruby also works here too as a server." They looked at Ruby who had a grin on her face. 

Ruby: "That's why I've been leaving after classes, I got permission from my dad and Ozpin to work as long as my grades dont suffer." 

Weiss: "Wow Jaune, you really came a long way." The girl said with earnest respect in her voice.

Winter: "So... does that mean there's a Mrs Arc?" Without realizing she said it aloud, Ruby and Weiss' jaws hung low. "What.. what did... oh god I said it out loud didn't I." With that the two nodded while Jaune was  blusing a storm while looking away. "I mean... I.." she stood up abruptly "Oh look at the time I need to check on the general!" She ran to the front where Ironwood was playing Lily in chess. "General?"

Ironwood: "One second specialist Winter, this girl is very smart, and I need my absolute-"

Before he could finish, Lily moved her rook forward, trapping his king piece in a lock.

Lily: "Check mate!" With that, the Cafe started a mix of gasps and cheers as money was passed around while people were placing bets.

Meanwhile, Jaune, Ruby and Weiss were sitting in the back still, talking.

Jaune: "So you aren't gonna degrade me for anything?"

Weiss: "Jaune, I'm really not, and if that's what you're looking for I'm sorry I wont feed your kink.  I'm just trying to be a better person. As for you Ruby, I'm only upset I found out this way. I would have supported you if you would have told me."

Ruby: "To be fair, any mention of Jaune you became pissy."

Weiss: "Yeah I did, 6 months ago before I saw a specialist." She let out a sigh. "Granted I had a lot to work on, so I can understand your reasoning.  I will promise to not tell Yang, or Blake. Brothers know, they'd get up in arms over this.  "On a more important note though." Ruby and Jaune's sibling bully senses kicked in. "You and my sister huh?" Jaune blushed up again while Ruby gained a smug look. 

Ruby: "You always did like older women."

Jaune: "Imma fire and ban your asses." The three laughed. "This is actually nice. I'm glad things are like this to be honest."  The three nodded as they hear the chants from outside. "What in the fu-" They walk out to see Ironwood arm wrestling RJ on the bar. The two straining their muscles and roaring. "Oh god there's two of them. Next thing I'll find out Ironwood smokes weed." As RJ slammed Ironwood's arm down, the two men let out a breath as the both felt relief of being finished.  

RJ: "Hell yeah! I win!" Ironwood handed what looked to be a baggy over to RJ. "We can split this later." The two fist bumped, as RJ looked over to Jaune who was in disbelief. "Oh hey man, I won!" 

Jaune: "Any other weird crazy shit gonna happen today? Or did I ju-" 

Lily: "Papa!!!!" He looked to see Lily with a large grin. "Is Winter gonna be my new Mommy!" 

Internally Jaune was screaming.

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