6.9K 210 292


Top Kook

Bottom Tae


Mature content

Bp Tae

Huge agegap

Height difference

Family drama

Younger tae

Older Kook

Smutssssss (alot🔞🌚)

Short Book

Fluff Flufffff soo much flufff



Slight bdsm 🌚🌚

Kinky Daddy Kook

Submissive baby tae

No cheating

No angst


Happy Ending


I have clearly mentioned every single warning if any warning making you uncomfortable then leave the book kindly no one is forcing you to read it further you dont have to write any unnecessary thing in the comments when you are clearly warned before hand....

I hope you guys like this short book like my other book "Ghostly Mate" 😘❤️❤️

Let's get it....



Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook

Age 35

CEO of Jeon Corporation....

Filthy rich...rude...strict...only soft for his taebear and his family...single...he's not interested in marriage he knows everyone wants him for his money..but from inside he's kinky af...wants to fullfil his every fantasy and desires with his partner...

love someone with all his heart but think its wrong to love that person....never confessed to that person because he's afraid to get reject and what if the person get separat from him...he felt wrong to love that person but couldn't help and fell in love with that person more and more each day

Emotionless...hot as hell...a totall daddy material.....people dying to date him and desperate to even spend a night with him but he didnt spare them a single glance.....

Have charming personality...owns a dark aura...everyone shivers in his presence...body of a greek God...a sleeve full of tattoos...have several piercing....love doing workout....have toned body....

Have an older brother...sister-in-law and a nephew as a family...his parents died when he was 22 years old....but he dont live with them...he move out after his parents death or when he fell in love and felt hard to control his feelings........but he do went to meet them every weekend....


Height 6'2



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Jeon Taehyung

Age 18

Only son of Mr.&Mrs.jeon

(A/N:kook's older brother's son🌚)

Sweet kind...sassyy and bold...but at the same time innocent and sensitive a fragile baby who have a heart of gold which only beats for his kookie hyungie......love his uncle jeon so much in a romantic  way but he dont call him uncle because he dont like calling him that.......

Bubbly...stubborn...get what he wants....baby of the house....shy and a innocent lil bean but only infront of his family he's a baby devil in angel disguise....have so many desires and fantasy about his daddy jeon...he's as innocent as us.


Study in SNU he wants to marry his uncle jeon and is madly in love with him but his jeon uncle always treat him like a child....his parents love him to death...can do anything for him and gace him anything and everything he wants....

Have heavenly curves...beauty of a goddess with a hour glass body....shinning smooth skin...plump natural lips...long thick eye lashes...thin waist...blond/silver hair and blue diamond eyes....


Height 5'4




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Mr.jeon junghyun

Age 42

Kind...understanding...loving...caring...owns many 7 star hotels around south korea ...he was never interested in joining his dad's business so he start his own hotel and now owns many of them...rich as hell....love his baby brother and son so much....can do anything for them....


Mrs.jeon Ara

Age 40

Kind...loving....sassyy never mess with her family or you will never able to see the next day....love her family soo much....was the biggest lawyer of seoul but now a house wife....beautiful as hell...mr.jeon his head over heels for her ....always treat jungkook as his son...loves her both kids so much can do anything for them.....

So this is jeon family and only these 4 characters will be in this book.....

To be Continued......❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I hope you guys like this Book i will update its first chapter after hitting 200 followers...this book is a thank you gift for my unholy babiess....🌚💦💦

this book is a straight smut book without any angst and suspense with lotss and lotss of kinkyy stuff and oved loaded flufff....so stock your holy water for it beforehand.....😉🤭💦💦

Dont forget to vote and do comments....and lemme know what you guys think about it...
i love you all....❤️✨️


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